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Peer Teaching Observation Program

Peer Teaching Observation Program

Peer teaching observations provide instructors with constructive, 有意义和可操作的反馈,以不断提高他们的教学实践和技能,最大限度地提高学生的学习和影响.同伴教学观察计划(PTOP)的基本目的是通过促进以能力为基础的卓越教学方法来提高学生的成绩.​

PTOP Overview

同伴教学观察计划(PTOP)是由教师根据2022年12月教师参议院批准的八项卓越教学标准为教师开发的. PTOP的教员们提供了以下重点,为如何思考和构建提供指导.

PTOP是为任何在newbb电子平台任教的人设计的. "Peer” means instructors/faculty observing instructors/faculty.

PTOP is not intended to be evaluative. Rather,  through PTOP, 鼓励同伴观察同伴和相互学习的文化. 

PTOP can be cross disciplinary. 跨学科的教学观察可能会导致一个人对自己的学科领域和教学策略的新看法. 他们还可能有助于减轻教师在观察自己领域的同事时有时产生的假设或偏见. 

PTOP is a multistep process that involves pre-observation work, 教学观察本身和观察后的对话.

PTOP includes rubrics. 八项卓越教学标准中的每一项都有一个详细的标题,描述了从“需要解决”到“模范”的绩效水平.”

PTOP is an evolving process. 鼓励那些实施该过程的人与CTLA分享反馈.

PTOP Benefits

  • Improves clarity and transparency​
  • 帮助机构向持续改进的文化转变
  • 允许教师更好地识别他们的长处和短处
  • 根据俄亥俄州对卓越教学的定义,将反馈集中在能力建设上

PTOP Process

Elements of the PTOP Process include:

  1. 观察前会议——在观察前1-5天召开
  2. 使用完整脚本的观察-由观察员填写并与观察后表格一起与教练共享
  3. Post-Observation Form—to be completed by the observer and sent with the full scripting; should be sent to the instructor within 12 days of the observation and at least 48 hours before the Post-Observation Meeting
  4. 观察后会议——在课堂观察后两周内举行

PTOP Designers


  • Dr. Linda Rice, Professor, College of Arts and Sciences 
  • Dr. Mark Rowe, Associate Professor of Instruction, College of Business
  • Dr. Angela Hosek,斯克里普斯传播学院副教授
  • Dr. Geng,健康科学与职业学院临床副教授
  • Dr. 珍妮·查伯特,健康科学与专业学院教授
  • Peer Teaching Observation Program Workshop

    PTOP研究员于2024年3月20日进行了一次面对面的培训. 这段录音的目的是在使用本网站提供的材料进行同伴教学观察之前观看.

    PTOP Training

PTOP Instructions, Forms and Rubric

Program Background and Overview

A full explanation PTOP的开发和所需材料的清单可在这里找到.

Instructions and Forms

This document walks participants through the list of questions (aligned to the teaching excellence framework) to guide pre-observation discussions; an explanation of full-scripting, the observation and the post-observation process; and a post-observation form to assist in debriefing. 

Complete Model

The PTOP faculty fellows completed a model for peer observers to review. It includes notes from the pre-observation meeting, a full-scripting sample, a completed post-observation form and meeting notes, as well as a sample letter.


Rubrics have been developed related to each of the teaching excellence criteria. 它们可以用来帮助向被观察的教员提供反馈.

OSCQR Rubric

虽然PTOP可用于对任何课程形式(面对面)提供形成性反馈, hybrid or online), 俄亥俄州的教学设计办公室也提供在线课程审查使用 SUNY Online Course Quality Review Rubric (OSCQR).

该规则本身是开源的,可供其他机构和个人使用. The OID Instructional designers are certified OSCQR reviewers. As a result, OID有资格完成高质量的课程审查,并与教师合作改善在线课程的体验.  

Early-term and midterm Feedback

学生对教学的反馈在卓越教学的发展中起着重要的作用, CTLA强烈建议教师在学期的第3到第5周向学生征求早期反馈.

一个简短的调查,包括两个李克特量表的问题,关于课程组织和归属感, as well as three open-ended questions about 1) aspects of the course and instruction that support learning; 2) how the course or instruction could be adjusted to better support learning; and 3) what students could do to better support their own learning, allows instructors to do the following:

  • 找出本学期可能改善学生学习和满意度的变化
  • 向学生指出他们的经历和学习的重要性
  • Ensure students feel their voices have been heard

CTLA创建了一个质量调查,其中有推荐问题和可选问题供教师使用. In addition, 工作人员可以与愿意考虑什么问题的教师一起审查调查结果, if any, changes might be made to courses or instruction.

Email CTLA 如果您想要一份质量调查的副本或印刷品.