A professor stands in front of a projector screen teaching a class of students.


同伴教学观察为教师提供建设性的, meaningful and actionable feedback to continually improve their instructional practices and skills to maximize student learning and impact.​ The fundamental purpose of the 同侪教学观察计划 (PTOP) is to improve student outcomes by promoting competency-based approaches to teaching excellence.​


The 同侪教学观察计划 (PTOP) has been developed by faculty for faculty based on the eight criteria for Teaching Excellence approved by 教师 Senate in December 2022. PTOP faculty fellows offer the following points of emphasis to provide guidance in how to think about and frame.

PTOP is designed for anyone teaching at the newbb电子平台 in any contracted capacity. “同伴”是指教师/教员观察教师/教员.

PTOP不是用来评估的. 而,  通过PTOP, a culture of peers observing peers and learning from one another is encouraged. 

PTOP可以是跨学科的. Cross disciplinary teaching observations may result in a fresh look at one’s own discipline area and pedagogical strategies. They also may help to alleviate assumptions or biases that sometimes arise when faculty observe colleagues in their area. 

PTOP是一个多步骤的过程 这包括观察前的工作, the teaching observation itself and a post-observation conversation.

PTOP包括规则. Each of the eight criteria for teaching excellence has a detailed rubric that describes performance levels spanning “Needs Addressed” to “Exemplary.”

PTOP是一个不断发展的过程. Those implementing the process are encouraged to share feedback with CTLA.


  • 提高清晰度和透明度
  • Helps shift the institution toward a culture of continuous improvement​
  • Allows instructors to better identify their strengths and weaknesses​
  • Focuses feedback on competency building based on a rubric aligned to 俄亥俄州’s definition of teaching excellence



  1. Pre-Observation Meeting—should be held 1-5 days before the class observation
  2. The Observation Using Full Scripting—to be completed by the observer and shared with the instructor along with the Post-Observation Form
  3. Post-Observation Form—to be completed by the observer and sent with the full scripting; should be sent to the instructor within 12 days of the observation and at least 48 hours before the Post-Observation Meeting
  4. Post-Observation Meeting—to take place within two weeks of the class observation


The team of faculty fellows designing the PTOP program during the 2023-24 academic year include:

  • Dr. 琳达·赖斯,艺术与科学学院教授 
  • Dr. Mark Rowe,商学院教学副教授
  • Dr. Angela Hosek, Associate Professor, Scripps College of Communication
  • Dr. Cheryl Geng, Associate Clinical Professor, College of Health Sciences and Professions
  • Dr. Jenny Chabot, Professor, College of Health Sciences and Professions
  • 同侪教学观察计划工作坊

    PTOP faculty fellows conducted an in-person training on March 20, 2024. This recording is designed to be viewed prior to conducting a peer teaching observation using the materials provided on this website.




A 完整的解释 of the PTOP development and a checklist of materials needed is available here.


这个文档 walks participants through the list of questions (aligned to the teaching excellence framework) to guide pre-observation discussions; an explanation of full-scripting, the observation and the post-observation process; and a post-observation form to assist in debriefing. 


PTOP的教员 完成一个模型 供同行观察员审查. 它包括观察前会议的记录, 完整脚本示例, 一份完整的观察后表格和会议记录, 还有一封样本信.


已经制定了规则 与每个教学卓越标准相关. They can be used to assist in providing feedback to the faculty being observed.


While the PTOP may be used to provide formative feedback on any course modality (in-person, 混合或在线), 俄亥俄州's Office of Instructional Design also provides online course review using the 纽约州立大学在线课程质量审查标准(OSCQR).

The rubric itself is open source and available for other institutions and individuals to use. OID教学设计师是经过认证的OSCQR审查员. 结果是, OID is qualified to complete quality course reviews and collaborate with faculty on ways to improve the experience of their online courses.  


Student feedback on instruction plays a significant role in development of teaching excellence, and CTLA highly recommends instructors request early-term feedback from students during weeks 3 to 5 of the semester.

A short survey comprising two Likert-scale questions about course organization and sense of belonging, as well as three open-ended questions about 1) aspects of the course and instruction that support learning; 2) how the course or instruction could be adjusted to better support learning; and 3) what students could do to better support their own learning, 允许教师做以下事情:

  • Identify changes that might improve student learning and satisfaction this semester
  • Indicate to students the importance of their experience and their learning
  • 确保学生感到他们的声音被倾听

CTLA has created a Qualtrics survey with recommended and optional questions for instructors to use. 除了, staff are available to review survey responses with faculty who would like to consider what, 如果有任何, 课程或教学可能会有所变化.

电子邮件 CTLA if you would like a copy of the survey in Qualtrics or in print form.