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过载 and Teaching Rates

Notice: Beginning with AY2021, the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost is no longer publishing central rates for minimum part-time and overload teaching rates. The determination of rates has transferred to the colleges. Historical information on rates is provided at the bottom of this page.


Monetary overload compensation is defined as payment received from or through Ohio University beyond the contract amount specified for the person's full-time services to the institution.

In accordance with Ohio University 教师 Handbook Section II.N, faculty members cannot earn, from all sources connected with Ohio University, more than twenty-five percent (25%) beyond the salary amount specified for their full time services to the institution.

过载 Exceeding 25% of Salary Require Additional Approval

Overload contracts are entered using the Individual Compensation Distribution (ICD) System. Any contract causing an employee to exceed the 25% maximum will automatically route to the associate provost for faculty and academic planning for approval.

Compensation earned during periods when an individual is not under full-time contract, such as during summer session teaching or during a summer research contract for faculty on 9-month contracts, is not considered overload compensation and does not count toward the 25% maximum.

Information regarding how to process overloads 等于或低于 the 25% maximum, can be found on the Payroll website.

Overload Teaching Rates

The minimum rates below are for courses with enrollments consistent with the standards defined by the college. Pay rates can be prorated for classes with lower enrollments.

Rates apply to summer.