

Each dean receiving an annual or comprehensive review prepares a report summarizing the previous year's goals and accomplishments. Deans submit reports to the Vice Provost for 教师 Development in January. Reports are shared with the dean evaluation committees, 教师, and others during the evaluation process.

To request a copy of a dean's statement after the evaluation is complete, contact Vice Provost for 教师 Development Katie Hartman (hartmank@俄亥俄州.edu).


Deans (or dean equivalents) are evaluated annually. In the case of deans (or dean equivalents) who are appointed to academic units with at least five full-time 教师 with tenure/promotion homes in the unit and who provide annual/promotion/tenure evaluations of those 教师, a committee of 终身跟踪 教师, half of whom will be appointed by the 教师 senators from the college or unit, and half of whom will be appointed by the Provost, will conduct the annual review.

终身跟踪, 教学, and Clinical 教师 with home promotion/tenure departments/schools in each academic unit have an opportunity to participate in the evaluation of their dean by means of a questionnaire that contains both standard questions and questions specifically relevant to the academic unit of the dean. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness & Analytics staff distributes a link to the electronic survey via email.

Consistent with the 教师手册, appropriate measures are taken to ensure process security and responders' anonymity. 具体地说, security measures are taken to ensure that (a) access to the evaluation is restricted to 教师 who have been asked to provide feedback, (b) identifying information is not recorded with responses, and (c) duplicate responses are not permitted. If you have questions about the electronic evaluation process or the evaluation instrument, please contact the Office of Institutional Effectiveness & 分析在 IEA@俄亥俄州.edu.

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness & Analytics then provides aggregated quantitative responses and compiled written comments to each evaluation committee. After consultation with the Provost, the dean evaluation committee issues its final report.

The Provost discusses the results of the committee's evaluation with the dean and issues a final evaluation of the dean.


Deans (or dean equivalents) are evaluated every fifth year through a comprehensive review. For the comprehensive review, the comprehensive review committee may include 教师 (tenure-track, 教学, 和/或临床), 行政人员, 和学生. The majority of the review committee will consist of 教师 from the academic unit, with a majority of these 教师 members appointed by the 教师 senator(s) from the academic unit in consultation with the chair of the 教师参议院 with the remainder of the 教师 and other members appointed by the Provost.

The review committee gathers and assesses a full range of information including the dean's self-assessment, pertinent reports including the annual evaluation reports, and other data and written general assessments by 教师 and appropriate administrators and other constituents.

教师 and staff identified as respondents for the evaluation have an opportunity to participate in the evaluation of their dean by means of a questionnaire that contains both standard questions and questions specifically relevant to the academic unit of the dean. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness & Analytics staff distributes a link to the electronic survey via email.

Consistent with the 教师手册, appropriate measures are taken to ensure process security and responders' anonymity. 具体地说, security measures are taken to ensure that (a) access to the evaluation is restricted to 教师 who have been asked to provide feedback, (b) identifying information is not recorded with responses, and (c) duplicate responses are not permitted. If you have questions about the electronic evaluation process or the evaluation instrument, please contact the Office of Institutional Effectiveness & 分析在 IEA@俄亥俄州.edu.  

The review committee concludes its analysis by preparing a report with preliminary recommendations, including a recommendation of non-reappointment or reappointment. The dean is provided an opportunity to comment on the draft report before a final version is submitted to the Provost.

The Provost discusses the results of the committee's evaluation with the dean and issues a final evaluation of the dean.