

住院医生实习期 Application Process


Results of the NRMP Match are available in the third week of March. Following the Match results will be the SOAP for eligible applicants. Information about SOAP can be found 在NRMP网站上.

Early Match Considerations:

  • 军事: In July/August apply through ERAS and the match through the military. Check the instructions provided by your branch of service for specifics. Military match results are available in mid-December.
  • For Ophthalmology and Plastic Surgery: Applications should be submitted by the end of August through the SF Matching 程序 ( www.sfmatch.org ) and are processed through the Central Application Service (CAS). Match results are available in late January.
  • 对泌尿外科 : In July/August apply through ERAS and the match will be processed through the AUA. Deadline for rank order lists are in early January. Match results are available in mid to late January.