


生物医学科学 研究生学习

追求硕士学位.S. 或Ph值.D. 学位

Graduate students may pursue M.S. 或Ph值.D. 学位s on a vast array of research topics in 的 Department of 生物医学科学 through interdepartmental graduate programs in 生物科学Molecular 和 Cellular Biology.

生物科学 Graduate 程序

Interdisciplinary 程序 in Molecular 和 Cellular Biology

Translational 生物医学科学 Doctoral 程序


The interests of biomedical sciences faculty encompass a range of research 的mes in biomedical sciences. These diverse faculty interests are organized into three broad focus groups: ecology 和 evolutionary biology; physiology 和 neuroscience; 和 cell, development 和 microbiology.

Medical students interested in research may pursue a summer experience through 的 研究 和 Scholarly Advancement Fellowship 和 o的r long-term opportunities through our 双学位项目. 研究的机会 are available for third- 和 fourth-year medical students.



The Department of 生物医学科学 supports several state-of-的-art research facilities in 的 Life Sciences Building, Konneker 研究 Center, Biochemistry 研究 Facility, 欧文大厅和 Academic 和 研究 Center.

In-house research infrastructure includes transmission 和 scanning electron microscope suites, quantitative microscopy that includes laser-scanning confocal capabilities, 的 newbb电子平台 Genomics Facility, OU microCT, NMR 和 mass spectrophotometry facilities, AAALC-accredited animal holding facilities, comparative biomechanics 和 fossil preparation laboratories 和 numerous comparative botanical, zoological 和 paleontology collections.