
JET Internal Billing

Internal Billings

Internal billings are necessary when a University department has provided goods or services 和 now wishes to "bill" for those goods or services. Ohio University, Ohio University Foundation, 子公司, Rebill accounts 和/or Student Organizations cost centers may be charged.

的 object codes to be used on the Internal Billing will always be paired Internal Charge Object codes using 78XXXX as the debit object code 和 48XXXX as the credit object code. 请参阅 Internal Charge Quick Reference Guide for more information.

Internal Billings must be uploaded via JET no later than the month after the service/good is provided (this is referred to as the 30-day rule); Internal Billings uploaded after the due date will be reversed.

Example A: For service provided on either 3/1 or 3/31, the Internal Billing must be uploaded via JET no later than 4/30.

Example B: For goods provided on either 9/1 or 9/30, the Internal Billing must be uploaded via JET no later than 10/31.

Journal Header Long Description of the Internal Billing must include:

  • A full description of service;
  • Period of service as a whole;
  • 联系 information.

Line Description of the Internal Billing must include:

  • Detail that supports the billing transaction-including Who, What, When, Where & Why - including specific date of goods/service;
  • Provide enough detail to determine Business Purpose & Allowability on account;
  • If the internal billings is uploaded after the due date mentioned above, you must document unusual circumstances for exception to the 30-day rule.

请参阅 JET用户指南 Appendix B for more information 和 examples.

Please note that Grant accounts may have stricter deadlines.

Internal Billings during May 和 June may have shortened submission deadlines, please refer to the 金融 Operating 日历 对日期.

More information is available regarding Revenue Recognition (PDF), 对象查找 段查找.