
Research and Scholarly Activity Services and Resources

Many research and scholarly activity services and resources are available to medical students through the 研究和资助办公室 and newbb电子平台.


杰西卡Wingett, director of research administration and student research, holds weekly virtual office hours with students.



Statistical support is available to Heritage College faculty, staff, students and residents. Services include statistical consultation, study design, 动力分析, statistical analysis and survey development. 



The 研究和资助办公室 provides research poster templates and a guide to assist students with poster preparation. Students are permitted to have up to two posters printed through the 研究和资助办公室 per fiscal year (July 1-June 30) at no cost to them. 


Request Poster Editing and Printing 

Case Reports 

病例报告指导, training and compliance requirements, 选择杂志, 出版费用, and research rotation information is provided.



The 学习资源中心 can assist with accessing journal articles, 期刊和文献综述. The LRC also provides access to an up-to-date collection of reference materials and journals addressing basic and clinical sciences. 



Connect with Hanna Schmillen, OHIO Head of Subject Liaison Services & 健康科学学科馆员

Guide: How to Access E-Resources [PDF]


newbb电子平台图书馆 strongly recommend the use of Zotero, 免费服务, 供学生收集, organize, annotate, cite, 分享研究成果.


newbb电子平台图书馆 Tutorial to Zotero

CVs, Cover Letters, and Personal Statements

Your CV, 求职信, and personal statement are often very important components of your application to research programs and in your converstations with prospective mentors.  The 研究和资助办公室 has compiled resources to provide students some helpful information and tips on how to prepare these documents.

Learn More


The on-demand training presentations are available to view for students within program at the Heritage College of 整骨疗法的医学.  To access these presentations, students must log in with thair OHIO ID.

Intro to Biostatistics and Data Analysis



Develop an Effective Poster and Presentation


Preventing Fraud and Ensuring Data Integrity with Online Surveys Seminar Series (2021)

Online surveys are a popular data collection tool because they are inexpensive and easy-to-use and can help investigators reach vulnerable or hard-to-reach populations.  However, online surveys can also be easy targets fro fraud, which can compromise the integrity of study results.  There are numerous techniques that can be used to deter and mitigate fraud.  This six-part seminar series will offer practical recommedations to help you learn how to safeguard your data at each step in the research process.


Clinical and Translational Research Training Modules

The Cincinnati CCTST, the Center for Clinical & 转化科学 & Training, hosts an online educational library that offers and array of clinical and translational research training modules.  Modules are free and open to any learner looking for a brief introduction to specific research topics.
