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Useful Information for Parents

Click the link below to go directly to information about the following:

Costs, Scholarships, and Financial Aid

Health & Safety

Keeping in Touch

Supporting Your Student

Costs, Scholarships, and Financial Aid


The cost varies depending on the program your student has chosen. 如果该项目是俄亥俄州的项目,请查看项目页面以查找具体的费用信息. If it is a provider program, costs can be found on the provider's website.

Financial Aid

newbb电子平台的经济援助可以适用于newbb电子平台资助的海外学习和交流项目, programs offered through the Ohio International Consortium (OIC),以及通过附属第三方供应商提供的计划,例如:

American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS)

Academic Programs International (API)

CEA Study Abroad (CEA)

Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE)

CISabroad (CIS)

International Studies Abroad (ISA)



Check out our Funding page for information about scholarships.

Health and Safety

What the Office of Global Opportunities does to keep your student safe:

  • Monitors security list-serve and State Department warnings daily.
  • 要求学院主任提交旅行行程和紧急行动计划, which details in-country resources in the event of an emergency.
  • 保持24小时紧急热线,有工作人员随时待命(如果您需要与我们联系,请联系740-593-4583).
  • 确保每个参与者在离开美国之前都有一张紧急联络卡.S., 他们的项目主管和其他国内资源(警察, hospitals, etc.) in the event of an emergency.
  • Requires students to register with the U.S. embassy in their country. 大使馆可以在许多紧急情况下为学生提供帮助.
  • 为学生在国外期间提供强制性国际健康保险.

Health Insurance

参加newbb电子平台赞助的海外教育经历的每个人都必须注册一门强制性课程 international health insurance policy identified by the Office of Global Opportunities. 参加美国项目的学生必须证明他们参加了有效的国内保险政策.

Applying for a Passport/Visa

建议父母或赡养人中至少有一人持有有效的美国签证.S. passport in case of emergency. 如果您需要更多关于如何申请护照的信息,请访问 U.S. Department of State website.

Supporting your student

Culture Shock and Adjustment

What is culture shock? It is not quite as "shocking" or as sudden as the term may imply. Basically, 它是一种意识,你对世界和相处方式的许多假设,在另一种文化中可能并不总是准确的. 这也是一个深刻的,有时令人不安的认识,你远离家乡, 你越来越感觉到,你一生中学到的规则不适用了. “震惊”不是一个单一的时刻,而是一种不断增长的情感、身体和精神意识.

重要的是要记住,这种冲击是你的学生适应的一部分,是一个非常正常的过程. 这些感觉是任何经历重大转变的人都会经历的. Even those who regularly travel abroad can experience this, 重要的是,你的学生不要为他们对新环境的反应感到羞耻. 承认它们,尽量不要让负面情绪影响他们的整个经历.

Phases of Culture Shock Experienced Overseas

Honeymoon Phase:

Your student will have great expectations and a positive mindset. Anything new is intriguing and exciting; new sights, new tastes, new smells, etc. 早期的问题通常被你的学生必须完成的许多任务和调整所掩盖. This phase may last from a few days to a few weeks.

Rejection Phase:

由于语言的差异,你的学生将开始在执行日常任务时遇到困难, housing, friends, or schoolwork. 你的学生可能会变得好斗,开始抱怨新的国家和文化. 你的学生可能会开始排斥新的国家,只注意到困扰他们的不好的事情.

Regression Phase:

你的学生可能会因为只说英语而开始沉浸在他们自己的文化中, eating food from home, and only socializing with people from his/her own culture. 他/她可能会继续抱怨新国家/文化的方方面面,只记得自己国家/文化的优点. 他们可能会开始记得他们的家是一个美好的地方,从来没有出过什么问题,并经常质疑他们为什么要离开. Your student may have feelings of anxiety, sadness, 还有思乡病,这些感觉可能会通过强迫饮食来影响, change in sleep patterns, or irritability.

Adaptation Phase:

你的学生会更适应新国家的语言和习俗. 他/她会习惯这种文化,并开始意识到没有哪个国家比另一个国家好得多, just different. Your student will become more comfortable with the new place, the new food, the new customs and will find their sense of humor begin to return.

Reverse/Return Phase: Symptoms Experienced Upon Return to the U.S.

你的学生可能会感到沮丧,想念他们离开的国家和朋友. 他/她可能会觉得没有人理解或关心他们所经历的. 你的学生可能会对他们的文化和生活方式有不同的看法和看法. 他/她可能会觉得自己在家里像个陌生人,变得易怒,批评别人和美国文化.

Remember…Everyone is Different:

Not everyone will experience all of the phases of culture shock. 有些人会以不同的顺序和不同的时间经历不同的阶段.

How a Parent Can Help: While Your Student is Abroad

  • 倾听他们激动人心的故事,并记住这些,以备将来他们面临更大挑战的时候.
  • It is important for you to be supportive. 仔细听,试着找出到底是什么让你的学生心烦意乱.
  • Make a suggestion for your student to talk with the on-site staff. 他们有帮助学生适应国外初期生活的经验.
  • 倾听学生的故事,祝贺他们适应了新的环境和文化.
  • As a parent, you may not understand what your student is going through. 意识到文化冲击的存在,它可能会以某种方式影响你的学生,这可能就足够了.

How a Parent Can Help: Once Your Student has Returned

  • 倾听他们激动人心的故事,并记住这些,以备将来他们面临更大挑战的时候.
  • It is important for you to be supportive. 仔细听,试着找出到底是什么让你的学生心烦意乱.
  • Make a suggestion for your student to talk with the on-site staff. 他们有帮助学生适应国外初期生活的经验.
  • 倾听学生的故事,祝贺他们适应了新的环境和文化.
  • As a parent, you may not understand what your student is going through. 意识到文化冲击的存在,它可能会以某种方式影响你的学生,这可能就足够了.
  • Listen to your student's stories without cutting them short. Your student may want to talk for hours about their experience abroad. 他们的许多朋友没有时间或耐心这样做,所以你的学生可能会依赖你.
  • Encourage your student to stay in contact with their friends abroad.
  • 建议你的学生一旦回到学校,就参与校园里的国际活动.
  • Your student may come back feeling more independent than before they left. 保持耐心和开放的心态,寻找方法接受这种新的独立. Rules that were in place before they left may need to be adjusted.