

如果你已经出国了,恭喜你! 你做到了! We hope you have a positive, life-changing experience. 对于那些还没离开的人, it's a good idea to think ahead and prepare for what it will be like during your experience. Keep reading for information and resources on adjusting while you are away.


什么是文化冲击? It is not quite as "shocking" or as sudden as the term may imply. 基本上, it is the realization that many of your presumptions about the world and the way to get along may not always be accurate in another culture. It is also a deep and sometimes disturbing recognition that you are far from home, and you feel a growing sense that the rules you have learned your whole life do not apply.It is important to remember that this shock is part of adaptation and a very normal process. These are feelings that are commonly experienced by anyone going through a major transition. Even those who regularly travel abroad can experience this! It’s normal - try not to let the negative feelings cloud your entire experience.  

The "shock" is not a single moment but rather a growing emotional, physical, and mental awareness. It often happens in phases (see below) that cycle many times throughout your program. You may experience all or none of the phases - that’s normal too! 

  • 蜜月阶段: You will have great expectations and a positive mindset. Anything new is intriguing and exciting; new sights, new tastes, new smells, etc. Early problems are usually masked by the many tasks and adjustments that your student has to make. 这个阶段可能持续几天到几周. 

  • 拒绝阶段: You begin struggle to perform daily tasks because of the differences in 语言, 住房, 朋友, 或学业. You may become aggressive and begin to complain about the new country and culture. You may begin to reject the new country and only notice the bad things that bother you. 

  • 回归阶段: You may begin to indulge in their own culture by only speaking English, 吃家里的食物, and only socializing with people from your own culture. You may continue to complain about every aspect of the new country/culture and only remember the good things about your home country/culture. You may begin to remember home as a wonderful place where nothing ever went wrong and often question why you left. 你可能会感到焦虑, 悲伤, and homesickness and may be affected by these feelings through compulsive eating/drinking, 睡眠模式的改变, 或易怒. 

  • 适应阶段: You will become more comfortable with the 语言 and customs on the new country. You will become accustomed to the culture and begin to realize that no country is that much better than another, 只是不同的. You will become more comfortable with the new place, 新食物, the new customs and will find your sense of humor begin to return. 

  • 反向/返回阶段: 返回美国后,您可能会出现症状.S. You may feel depressed and miss the country and 朋友 you have left behind. You may feel that no one understands or cares about what they have experienced. You may come home with different perspectives and views about their culture and lifestyle. You  might feel like a stranger in their home and become irritated and critical others and American culture.

记住,每个人都是不同的! Not everyone will experience all of the phases of culture shock. Some will experience the phases in different orders and for different lengths of time. 如果你有困难,一定要寻求帮助. 


If you are participating in a non-俄亥俄州 credit program or 俄亥俄州 Exchange, your financial aid typically will not disburse to you until you have arrived onsite and complete your 注册验证(VOE)表格. 如果你有经济援助, you will have a hold on your My俄亥俄州 Student Center account (Verification of Enrlt) asking to complete the Verification of Overseas Enrollment form to show that you are studying abroad. 您将在网上提交您的VOE表格 去newbb电子 以及任何其他现场信息. 


How you identify yourself may be different than how other identify you - especially while abroad. 你的身份可以是你的种族/民族, 性别, 性取向, 宗教, 国籍, 政治观点, 语言, 外表等. According to Diversity Issues in Study Abroad (Brown University), 43% of people still say the most important factor that influenced treatment is your identity as an American. Whether this is something you see as being a large part of your identity or not, it is important to understand your host culture’s perception of Americans.  

访问 our “My identity” pages for diversity and identity resources for different populations. 


许多学生记录他们的经历. Writing down your experiences will help you process your time. Start small - 全球 programs can be a whirlwind - you’ll thank yourself later for jotting down even a few notes about your most memorable experiences. 写作不是你的菜? 探索 other mediums such as photography, videography, drawing, mindmapping, and more! Below are some prompts to get your creative juices flowing: 

  • “我要记住...”: Did something special happen or did you have a poignant observation? 捕捉那些“啊哈”!“时刻. 

  • 昨天/今天/明天: Take this prompt in any direction - perhaps exploring yourself, 一个地方, 或者你对某事的知识/理解 

  • 十大: Everyone loves a list- what are your favorite moments, foods, places, phrases, etc.?  

如果你热爱旅游和文化, you could be the perfect 全球机遇办公室 Global Correspondent! Open to ALL students going on 全球 programs (international and domestic)! 作为全球通讯员, 你会被发表, 把你的经验转化为有价值的技能, 分享你的故事, 与朋友和家人保持联系, 并激励其他人开始他们的冒险. 通讯员将按滚动方式接受. 电子邮件 全球.opportunities@俄亥俄州.edu 如果你感兴趣的话! 

别忘了给我们打上标签! @俄亥俄州GoGlobal
