可持续行政中心: 采购

可持续行政中心: 采购

采购 is a critical part of sustainability. Our purchasing decisions determine which businesses are financially supported by newbb电子平台 budget resources and reflect the values of the University. 在理想的情况下, those purchasing decisions will simultaneously benefit our people, 我们的星球, 以及我们地区的繁荣.  Our sustainable purchasing guidelines and our student-created triple bottom line cost-benefit analysis tool are resources that can be used by newbb电子平台 students and 工作人员 to evaluate their own purchases.

的 可持续性 Project Laboratory is a database of sustainability-related project proposals. This resource hosts projects and project ideas that can be adopted by 教师, 工作人员, 还有学生的课程项目, 顶点或高级项目, 论文, 和更多的.

To find procurement related projects just type "procurement" into the search bar at the top of the database.

的 Association for the Advancement of 可持续性 in Higher Education (AASHE) is currently revising its 可持续性 Tracking, 评估 & Rating System (STARS), which newbb电子平台 uses to measure its sustainability efforts. 你可能 view a draft of the proposed updates to 采购 guidelines.


  • Benchmark 20: Increase the percentage of paper products on campus that include post-consumer recycled content. 目标未达到.

  • Benchmark 24: Encourage use of sustainable and/or recyclable materials and containers in place of polystyrene by developing environmentally preferable purchasing guidelines. Preferable Purchasing Guidelines Created​.

  • Benchmark 28: Increase purchase of non-food local goods and services and environmentally preferable goods. 确定备选基线.

  • Benchmark 29: Increase purchase of environmentally preferable computer products. 超过了目标.

  • Benchmark 31: Develop sustainability guidelines for concessionaires and franchisees. 目标进行中. ​





  • 提高声誉
  • 减少排放
  • 增加社区参与
  • 经济活动增加
  • 改善人类健康
  • 降低运营成本


  • 员工的时间
  • 资本成本

Moving Forward: 2017 可持续性 & 气候行动计划目标

Goal: Increase purchasing of sustainable and/or recycled products across a range of categories:

  • Increase the use of recycled paper from 7% to 50%
  • Increase the use of EPEAT Gold Electronics (as defined in 隶属于注册表)从94%降至95%
  • Increase the use of Green Cleaning 产品s (as defined in the AASHE STARS Technical Manual for OP 13)从51%上升到65%
  • Increase the use of Alternative Fuel 车辆 (as defined in the  AASHE STARS Technical Manual for OP15)从1.4% to 3%
  • Increase the use of battery-powered lawn care products from 0% to 50%
  • Increase the number of Concessionaires / Franchisees with Sustainable Purchasing (to be defined in 2020 俄亥俄州 Sustainable Purchasing guidelines) in contract​ to 100%
  • Increase the total sustainable purchases (to be defined in 2020 俄亥俄州 Sustainable Purchasing guidelines) to 30%


  • Review and revise existing sustainability purchasing guidelines to direct progress toward sub-goals.​

  • Educate University purchasers on benefits of, 并鼓励使用, sustainability purchasing guidelines, both for bid and non-bid purchases.  ​

  • Create model RFP criteria and protocol for bid purchases and evaluation tools for non-bid purchases, and include carbon emissions as criteria​

  • Incorporate sustainability practices into contracts for concessionaires and franchisees​

  • Develop strategies to monitor non-centralized purchasing, especially post-consumer content in paper purchasing​

  • Mark vendors or products meeting certain sustainable criteria in BobcatBuy to incentivize increased sustainable procurement​

  • Create bi-monthly sustainable purchasing group meeting to monitor progress​

  • Develop an assessment tool for social return on investment, especially for local purchases​


Sustainable Purchasing Best Practices


可持续发展属性可持续发展目标Sustainable Purchasing Best Practices
回收的内容Reduce carbon emissions, deforestation, use of finite resourcesFavor higher post-consumer recycled content; Avoid "virgin" (non-recycled) paper or wood content
当地的产品Reduce supply chain emissions; support local communitiesPrioritize products made within the state of Ohio or within 250 miles of the campus
无冲突矿物Eliminate socially harmful extraction processes for minerals used in most electronic devicesEvaluation of vendor’s conflict mineral policy
可生物降解、可降解的减少堆填区废物Prioritize BPI-certified paper products
公平贸易Promote sustainable and equitable trade relationships between producers and consumersPrioritize 公平贸易 labeled products
化学免费Minimize use of chemicals that diminish indoor air qualityAvoid purchasing products that require use in a well-ventilated area (e.g. cleaning products, hygiene products, carpeting, plastics, fabrics)
可持续收获Reduce deforestation, desertification木制品(e).g. furniture) should be certified as sustainably harvested (FSC Certified) or rapidly regenerating (such as bamboo).
能源效率Reduce energy consumption, utility costSeek 能源 Star rated appliances, alternative fuel or LEED rated vehicles
碳补偿Reduce institutional carbon footprintPurchase offset credits to compensate for emissions produced


30% post-consumer recycled content (minimum)
聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料Prohibited from purchasing (see 聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料 Fact Sheet)


  • 当一种商品不再被需要时, the owner must contact Moving and Surplus to have the product entered into the University's surplus inventory.
  • Moving and Surplus may deem the product inappropriate for surplus inventory. In such a situation, the user will make a good faith effort to repurpose or recycle the product. Recycling pick-up can be requested by emailing the Office of Refuse and Recycling at recycle@俄亥俄州.edu.
  • All electronic products should be disposed of at campus-designated locations for electronic waste



Initiative (Lead department/Unit)SCAP对齐

Participation in Pouring Rights RFP process (采购)

Public bid process to choose new beverage supplier for newbb电子平台 Culinary Services and 体育运动.  Director of 可持续性 on RFP committee.

Increase purchasing of sustainable and/or recycled products across a range of categories. (100% of concessionaires have sustainable purchasing in contract by 2026).

Culinary Services Local 食物 采购 (Culinary Services)

食物s that are grown, raised and processed within 100 miles of 俄亥俄州

Culinary Services is a key player in the Sugar Bush grant-funded Farm to Ohio Working Group focusing on local food systems and local food procurement.  可持续发展办公室 工作人员 support this working group.

Increase purchasing of sustainable and/or recycled products across a range of categories (也可参阅 食品的主题 可持续发展 & 气候行动计划).
三重底线工具Triple Bottom Line Cost-Benefit Analysis (TBL-CBA) working group, 一群学生, 教师, and 工作人员 who meet weekly to create a cost-benefit analysis tool to evaluate projects in the SPL.
可持续采购小组A group of stakeholders in procurement across multiple 俄亥俄州 offices and departments that discuss progress, 挑战, and solutions that promote the goals within the 可持续性 & 气候行动计划.
环保采购报告Aggregation reports submitted to the university by potential vendors that detail total numbers of sustainable purchasing within their portfolio.



  • 购买EPEAT黄金电脑
    • 的 University's Bobcat Depot purchases only EPEAT certified computers and laptops.
  • 可持续性语言
    • 的 University's RFP template contains requirements to provide sustainability information in all bid proposals.
  • 社会企业生态系统
    • 的 社会企业生态系统 (SEE Appalachia) is a project that seeks to make positive changes to health and wellness, 教育与环境. SEE协助社会企业, which combine the social mission of a nonprofit with the market-driven approach of a business, with financing and operational sustainability in every stage, from start-up to eventual growth and expansion. 

newbb电子平台专家 & 区域利益相关者


Allison佝偻病ricket@俄亥俄州.edu访问ing Professor, Voinovich School
信仰却knutsenf@俄亥俄州.eduDirector, Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Voinovich School
大卫·麦克拉肯mccracken@俄亥俄州.eduDirector, Strategic Sourcing, 采购 Services
乍得米切尔mitchec2@俄亥俄州.eduAssistant Director, Strategic Sourcing, 采购 Services
玛丽纳nallym@俄亥俄州.eduDirector, Center for Community 订婚

可持续行政中心 Coordinator
伊莱恩Goetzgoetze@俄亥俄州.edu能源管理署署长 & 可持续性