





Ralph Six |采购总监




罗德里克J. 麦克戴维斯|总统

  1. 目的

    This policy describes the conditions under which a purchase must be competitively bid, and details policies and procedures for same.

    适用于此政策的例外情况(例如.g., 图书馆采办, 购买食物, 和土地, 空间, and 建筑 acquisition) are specified in the 计划 section of Policy and Procedure 55.003, 采购权限:供应商选择, 个人购买, 土地及楼宇征收, 利益冲突."

  2. 计划

    1. 报价范围

      Competitive bidding allows the University to seek out the best value for any purchase. The Purchasing and Contracting Office must competitively bid any single purchase of 货物 that will result in payment of $25,000或更多, 给一个供应商, 在某一财政年度内. 进一步, it must similarly competitively bid any single purchase of 服务 or construction that will result in payment of $50,000或更多, 给一个供应商, 在某一财政年度内. 然而, the Purchasing and Contracting Office may competitively bid any purchase if, 在它的判断中, a greater value and benefit to the University would result.

    2. 定义

      The following terms are used in this policy with the meanings indicated:

      1. 商品: 任何有形产品. Includes off-the-shelf computer software and utilities.

      2. 服务: Any deliverable resulting from labor performed specifically for the University -- whether from the application of physical or intellectual skills. 服务包括维修工作, 咨询, 维护, 数据处理, 定制软件设计或编码, 等.

      3. 建设: A project that includes all the work needed to produce a complete and usable facility, or to remodel or restore an inadequate or damaged facility; includes excavation, 建筑, 安装, 景观, 等.

    3. 结合商品和服务的购买

      If a single purchase includes both 货物 and 服务, the entire purchase will be treated as being in the category of the greater percentage of the cost; for example:

      1. The purchase of an Audio-Visual suite includes design and installation work by the supplier, 然而, 90% of the expenditure is for the audio-visual equipment, 计算机设备, 和软件. This purchase, in its entirety, will be considered a purchase of 货物.

      2. A consultant is engaged to determine if widgets are needed on campus. The purchase of two sample widgets is part of the expense, 但是85%的费用用于研究, 审查, 和报告. This purchase, in its entirety, will be considered a purchase of 服务.

      The 采购服务总监 will decide which category is appropriate in any borderline cases.

  3. 招标程序工具

    The Purchasing and Contracting Office uses the following procedures to obtain competitive bids on a purchase:

    1. 招标书(IFB)

      一个正式的 IFB is sent to prospective bidders when 货物 or 服务 desired are well-defined and represent a high dollar purchase. 要求密封响应. This procedure typically takes three to eight weeks.

    2. 征求建议书(RFP)

      一个正式的, sealed RFP is sent to prospective bidders when the 货物 or 服务 desired are high dollar, 复杂的, 没有完全定义. 要求密封响应. This procedure typically takes three to eight weeks.

    3. 申请报价(RFQ)

      In an informal process, a one page form is sent to the vendor. 密封响应不是必需的. Used for the purchase of lower dollar, well-defined 货物 or 服务. This procedure typically takes one to two weeks.

    4. 口头,电话或电子邮件报价

      An informal process for the quick purchase of low dollar, well-defined 货物 or 服务. This procedure typically takes one to three days.

  4. 招标条件

    The Purchasing and Contracting Office will bid a proposed purchase if any one of the following conditions is met:

    1. Purchase is over the bid limits, as described in the 计划 section, above. The bid requirement may be met by a Purchasing Office competitive bid process run specifically for that purchase, or by reference to an existing contract awarded through a previous bid process by the Purchasing Office, newbb电子平台校际委员会, 俄亥俄州, 或者选择购买财团.

      A single purchase may not be divided for the purpose of avoiding bid procedures.

    2. A department or staff member requests a competitive bid. Any department or staff member may make this request, regardless of the dollar amount of the purchase.

    3. It is the judgment of the Purchasing Office that the University will be best served through the competitive bidding process.

  5. 投标要求的例外情况

    If the nature of the purchase is such that bidding would be impossible or highly impractical, the department requesting a purchase over the bid limits may request a Waiver from Competitive Bidding. To request a waiver, the department should:

    1. Make a note in the body of the Requisition stating: "Request for Waiver attached"

    2. 附上价格的书面确认书.

    3. 使用 申请豁免表格 to explain the circumstances and reasoning for the request.

    有关投标豁免的进一步细节, and specific information regarding required authorizing signatures and associated dollar limits, 可在以下网址浏览: http://www.俄亥俄州.edu/finance/purchasing/request-for-proposal-guidelines.

  6. 没有正式投标就购买

    Though a purchase may be under the bid limit or otherwise exempted from formal competitive bid procedures, every attempt should be made to obtain the best value for any purchase by:

    1. Using the Purchasing and Contracting Office's 服务: Provide information about price and 质量 needs to the appropriate buyer. Ask the buyer to find the best value by contacting several sources for you.

    2. Comparison shopping on your own: Find sources for an item by doing web-searches, 与同事交谈, using references like the Thomas Register (at the 图书馆 or at http://www.thomasnet.com/), or calling the Purchasing and Contracting Office for recommendations. 一旦你熟悉了几个资源, 联系销售或客户服务代表, 或者查看供应商的网站, 比较价格, 质量, 和可用性.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be 审查ed by:

  1. 总统

  2. 教务长

  3. 内阁

  4. Vice 总统 for Finance and Administration

  5. 财务助理副总裁

  6. 采购服务总监

  7. 政策及程序检讨委员会