





Jim Fonseca |地区校区执行院长


Pam Benoit |执行副校长兼教务长


罗德里克J. 麦克戴维斯|总统

  1. 概述

    newbb电子平台 encourages educational innovation and experimentation in the use of techniques that improve instructional effectiveness and efficiency. 电视应该成为学生和教师可用的教育工具之一.

    教师 activity in preparing and utilizing educational TV programs should be encouraged through the mechanisms that follow. (在这种情况下, "faculty" is taken to include all those who have a teaching role within the university established by contract.)所有此类活动, 取决于它们的性质, 应被视为学术研究或对大学的服务.

  2. 所有权

    newbb电子平台 shall be the sole and exclusive owner of video-recorded programs of instruction produced through the facilities of the university by faculty members on contract to the university.

    这是公认的, 然而, 教职员工保留自己对思想的专有权, 笔记, 文学方面的努力与这些节目的准备有关.

  3. 控制

    控制 over the content of these programs shall be retained by the faculty member or faculty members participating in their preparation.

    newbb电子平台 shall have full use of programs of televised instruction produced with its facilities, 与生产它们的目的一致的, for a period of five (5) years with the understanding that normal review and revision should occur after that period of time.

    这些程序可能, 在那段时间里, 以各种记录格式复制或呈现, and transmitted via broadcast or closed circuit systems for use in appropriate university courses wherever they may occur.

    These provisions are to be embodied in agreements signed by individual faculty members and by representatives of the university prior to the initiation of substantial production planning. 这种协议还将处理有关的责任问题.

  4. 补偿

    补偿 to faculty members for participating in educational television activities should normally take the form of load remission. 一般来说, educational television production activities should not be looked on by the faculty member as a source of additional income. 部分提供了建议的负荷缓解公式 (E),低于. 然而, financial compensation may be made available to faculty members for the production of educational television materials for off-campus use. These compensation arrangements are subject to approval by the Dean of the College of Communication.

    Production of occasional lectures or demonstrations for television should be recognized as a part of the faculty member's service to the university.

  5. 生产和利用规范

    1. 计划与生产

      Since it is the intent of this policy to assist 部门 and faculty members in their efforts to strengthen educational programs, the time and resources provided faculty members to plan and prepare educational television materials should be sufficient to produce a professional result. It is understood that planning for these purposes encompasses all elements of the educational system, 不仅仅是电视节目本身. 所需的时间会有所不同, but it will normally be substantially more than that required for conventional methods of instruction. This investment in time may be recovered in varying degrees depending upon the extent of use of the resulting materials. Such time requirements should be taken into account in the total allocation of responsibility to the faculty member or members concerned. Ordinarily the time allocated to educational materials development should be scheduled in such a way that it will provide adequate release time without additional financial compensation. 经验法则是,教师通常总共可以获得三个学分的课程减免, 哪些课程可以延长到一个学期以上, 他或她正在准备每一个学分的电视教学.

    2. 利用

      One of the great values to be derived from educational television is that it can be used to provide students and their teachers with closer professional contacts. 因此, 尽可能地, televised lessons should be recorded by instructors who will remain close to the class using the TV materials. Any instructor who maintains an active personal involvement with the students in such a course should have the time required for appropriate utilization included in his or her course load.

      为准备和生产提供了负荷调整, the faculty member who opts to disassociate himself or herself from further utilization of the TV course materials will receive no further compensation for their use in newbb电子平台 programs.

    3. 评审与修订

      在第一个合同期满后, the university will not use the educational TV programs until they have been reviewed by the office of Educational Telecommunications and the faculty member or faculty members who produced them. 此类批准应在不超过五(5)年的规定时间内授予.

  6. 延长出售或租赁

    大学教育电视节目的主要目的是协助各院系, 地区校园, 教职员工也在努力加强自己的教育. 然而, production of outstanding educational materials at newbb电子平台 may be expected in some instances to produce requests from other institutions for their use either through lease or purchase arrangements. 在这些情况下,教职员工, 部门, or 地区校园 primarily involved in the preparation of such materials should share in any net income. Those expenses which were incurred in preparing the materials for extended sale or lease (but not the original production expenses) will be deducted from the gross income to arrive at the figure available for further distribution. 在系里或相应的校区没有产生异常高的费用的情况下, 建议的混合比例可能是25%返还给系或地区校园分部, 25%的人回到了大学, 50%给教职工. (“适当的校园”是指生产的校园.) Grant-funded productions may require external distribution in a manner specified by the granting agency.

    管理人员正在并将继续开发服务培训电视节目, 以及教育目的. Administrators doing so are granted the same privileges and protections as are granted to faculty within this policy.



  1. 总法律顾问

  2. 传媒学院院长

  3. 负责经济和技术发展研究的助理副总裁

  4. 教师参议院

  5. 研究生院