2023 收件人

2023 Award 收件人

祝贺今年的领袖奖得主! Click each student photo below to read their full bio.

埃德温·L. Kennedy Leadership Award for Outstanding Community 服务 & Outstanding Graduate Student Leader, Masters-Level
Ijeoma Idika-Chima

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?


Martha Jane Hunley Blackburn/Donald A. Achievement Award

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?

From a young age, 我意识到,有时候只需要一个人去努力让事情变得更好. 我有远大的梦想和追求新高度的动力,这使我成为一名优秀的领导者.

Martha Jane Hunley Blackburn/Donald A. Achievement Award & George Floyd Memorial 奖学金

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?

Not only do I know what it feels like to be a leader, but I also know what it feels like not to be a leader. As a first year, 我真的很害羞,不敢在社区里活跃起来, and now I am involved in many major leadership roles.

Martha Jane Hunley Blackburn/Donald A. 奖学金 & George Floyd Memorial 奖学金
Sheyenne Grainger

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?


查尔斯·J. Ping International Leadership Award

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?


Kerrigan Family 奖学金 & Outstanding Senior Leader Award
Yosri Slama

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?

I seek opportunities to lead and make a difference, 利用我独特的视角和与他人沟通的能力.

Latinx Heritage Achievement Award & Rita LaValley Recreation Employee Award
Kasylvi Acuna

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?

我相信,通过为拉丁裔社区创造一个安全的空间, we are cultivating self-confidence and reassurance.

Latinx Heritage Achievement Award
Esmeralda Miranda

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?

To be selfless to others makes a huge difference, 它让我意识到,善良和援助之手是大有帮助的.

Outstanding Senior Leader Award
Maribel Antunez-Uriostegui

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?

我总是尽我所能去支持我周围的人, 无论这意味着成为某人的私人啦啦队长,还是在事情出错时成为求助的人.

Outstanding Senior Leader Award
Maire-Rose Conlan

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?


Student Affairs Employee Academic Achievement Award
Nathan Graves

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?


Student Affairs Employee Excellence in the Workplace Award

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?


The LGBT Center Student Hart Award
Lynden Caldwell

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?

I have connected people, provided resources, 并为那些感到没有发言权的人提供机会,让他们分享自己的经历,共同做出改变.

Latinx Heritage Achievement Award
Alyssa Daniella Cruz

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?


Rudy Leadership Award

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?


Martha Jane Hunley Blackburn and Donald A. Spencer 奖学金 & Outstanding Senior Leader Award
Cydney Granger

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?


Martha Jane Hunley Blackburn and Donald A. Spencer 奖学金 & 自由之眼奖学金-本科生非退伍军人
Desmond Owusu

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?


George Floyd Memorial 奖学金

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?


Eyes of Freedom 奖学金 – Student Veteran
Christian Roberts

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?


Martha Jane Hunley Blackburn and Donald A. Spencer Achievement Award

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?

虽然我是领导,但我也是一名学生,我在不断地学习. 对来自组织或团队的新想法持开放态度是我作为领导者所能做的最成功的事情之一.

埃德温·L. Kennedy Leadership Award for Outstanding Community 服务
Gianna Petrella

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?

我在雅典为有多重残疾的儿童和成人开办了一个学习游泳的项目, 我计划在newbb电子平台继续我广泛的社区服务和领导工作.

Francine Childs Diversity Leadership Award & 杰出高级领袖奖约翰牛顿邓普顿指定

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?

and providing equitable experiences for all.

The Arnold Student Allyship Award

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?

I take pride in the work I put out, the relationships I make, and the ability to positively impact those I work with.

Outstanding Senior Leader Award
Marguerite Augier

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?


Dr. Patti McSteen Award
Luvina Cooley

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?


Women's Issues Leadership Award

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?


查尔斯·J. Ping International Leadership Award & Outstanding Graduate Student Leader, Doctoral Level
Shauna Torrington

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?


埃德温·L. Kennedy Leadership Award for Outstanding Community 服务

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?

not backing down when those ideals are challenged.

Rudy Leadership Award
Alexis Thomas

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?


Stonewall Student Leadership Award
Jonah Heintzleman

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?


查尔斯·J. Ping International Leadership Award
Roshni Ashiq

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?

I believe a leader is not always one with a big name; one can be a true leader like me who silently creates an everlasting impact in the lives of people we meet across our journeys.

George Floyd Memorial 奖学金
Jalen Tolbert

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?

Being a leader is not only about having titles, 正因为如此,我为自己能领导所有任务而感到自豪.

Outstanding Senior Leader Award & Rita LaValley Recreation Employee Award

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?


Stonewall Student Leadership Award

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?

我的目的是尽可能善待尽可能多的人. 这个使命要求我以善良的态度领导我的一言一行. 

Women's Issues Leadership Award

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?

我的工作扩大了我对多样性等基本概念的认识, 包容, and healthcare disparities.

Outstanding Senior Leader

What is your approach to leadership at 俄亥俄州?

我在许多领域从事领导工作,我寻找机会在各种环境和人群中磨练我的领导能力, both in practice and in professional development.

Outstanding Programming Fall
Ebony Minds: 50 Shades of Brown: Melanin Magic
Outstanding Programming Spring
International Student Union: International Street Fair
The Arnold Allyship Student Group Award
F-Word Performers
Stonewall Student Group Leadership Award
Lavender Menace
埃德温·L. Kennedy Leadership Award for Community 服务
Lost Flamingo Theater Company