


当你住在校园里时,你会成为一个更紧密的社区不可分割的一部分,而不是你被分配的房间. 这一系列社区政策描述了社区生活的各个方面, encompassing areas such as bathroom use, 家具使用, 嘉宾及访客, 厨房, 等.

By understanding and adhering to these policies, you contribute to a safe, 尊重, and enriching environment for all residents at newbb电子平台.


  • Only one person is allowed in a bathroom stall or shower stall at any time. 任何超过一人在浴室隔间或淋浴间发生的事件都将报告给大学公平和民权合规办公室,并提交给社区标准和学生责任办公室.
  • Flushing anything other than toilet paper 是被禁止的. This includes flushable wipes and sanitary items.
  • 学生应尊重卫生间设施,并向宿舍工作人员或RCS报告任何问题.
  • Disposing of personal room trash (i.e., pizza boxes, mail, drink containers, 等.) in bathroom or community trash cans 是被禁止的. Students should utilize outdoor dumpsters to dispose of recycling or trash.


  • 自行车 should be registered with the newbb电子平台 Police Department. 您需要填写自行车的描述和序列号来注册.
  • 自行车 may not be stored in public areas, 比如模组, 休息室, 楼梯间, 入口/出口, 建筑扶手, or other undesignated areas. OUPD or hall staff may remove bikes that are in unapproved areas.
  • 自行车 can be stored in your room or on an outdoor bicycle rack. 自行车 should be removed over winter or summer break. 


  • 禁止在走廊、休息室、大堂等公共场所存放个人物品. All personal items must be kept within a student’s assigned room.
  • Residents in the Convocation Center, suite-style大厅, 在现代风格的住宅中,允许将洗漱用品和浴室用品放在各自房间的共用浴室空间内.
  • 从公共空间移走学校提供的家具被认为是盗窃,是被禁止的. Theft of university-provided furniture may result in a fine, report to newbb电子平台 Police, or referral to the Office of 社区标准 and Student Responsibility.
  • 在社区场所持有或消费酒精,无论年龄大小(e).g., 休息室, mod spaces, hallways, community centers, courtyards, 等.)是禁止的.


在宿舍楼公共区域提供家具,供大楼或综合大楼的所有居民使用. If you notice missing furnishings or damage, contact hall staff.

  • 禁止将学校提供的家具从您的房间中移除或在套房或四人间移动. Removing university-provided furniture from the room may result in a fine, report to newbb电子平台 Police, or referral to the Office of 社区标准 and Student Responsibility.
  • Disassembling university-provided furniture 是被禁止的.


  • Physical recreational activities (i.e., 球玩, bicycle/skateboard/scooter riding, 水枪/水球战斗)禁止在住宅楼和南绿t台上进行.
  • 禁止在建筑物出入口、窗户和车辆附近进行户外活动.
  • 娱乐用途的绿色空间是允许的,并考虑到那些穿过该地区的人.

客人 & 游客

客人是个人谁不隶属于newbb电子平台,如父母,兄弟姐妹等. 访客是隶属于newbb电子平台的个人,如学生、工作人员等.

  • Unescorted 嘉宾及访客 are prohibited. 客人 and visitors must always be escorted while in the hall, even to the bathroom or to another room.
  • All roommates must grant permission for a guest or visitor to be in the room.
  • 禁止客人和访客使用住宿钥匙或门禁设备.
  • 不及时通知室友有关过夜客人或访客是被禁止的.
  • 经室友同意,客人和访客在7天内过夜不得超过3晚.
  • 一个房间的客人和访客不应超过该房间标准占用率的两倍.
  • Only the student(s) assigned to a room can live there. You may not sublet your Housing and 居住生活 room.
  • 住客对任何违反政策的行为承担个人和经济责任.
  • 客人 and visitors must utilize bathrooms designated for their gender.
  • 父母和家人被视为“客人”,必须遵守上述相同的条件.
  • 所有客人和访客必须遵守newbb电子平台制定的COVID-19协议. 客人 or visitors who do not comply will be asked to leave the building.

Kitchens, Food Preparation, Clean-Up


There are student 厨房 in Bryan Hall, Carr-Sowle复杂, 杰斐逊大厅, Gamertsfelder大厅, 胡佛的房子, 詹姆斯•霍尔, 萨金特大厅, Tanaka-Luchs复杂, 路透华盛顿/读, 和Voigt Hall. 这些厨房可供居住在这些建筑/建筑群中的学生使用,并由环境健康与安全部门每月检查一次. Kitchens are not supplied with cooking utensils. 个人物品不得存放在厨房,离开厨房后应带回指定房间. Please contact hall staff to learn more about kitchen access.

为了限制昆虫成为问题的可能性,你不应该在你的房间或社区厨房里把易腐烂的食物存放在开放的容器里. 所有的食物垃圾都应该被扔到垃圾桶里,以防止昆虫进入你的房间或宿舍. Violations of improper food preparation, 存储, 否则,打扫卫生可能导致厨房关闭或对学生处以罚款.


非宿舍活动的推广将仅限于由newbb电子平台注册学生组织和/或newbb电子平台部门赞助或共同赞助的活动. All unauthorized and unapproved signs will be removed. No material may be distributed door to door. 不遵守此投寄政策可能会导致失去投寄特权.

垃圾 & 回收

妥善处理垃圾可以防止我们社区的卫生、害虫和管道问题. 你有责任保持你的房间清洁,并定期把你的回收物和垃圾放到适当的垃圾箱里. Should you run into an issue with trash, please contact RCS or hall staff.

  • Blue bins for mixed-recycling and tan bins for trash are provided in every room. 回收 and landfill (trash) dumpsters are located near every residence hall.
  • Leaving personal trash in hallways, common areas, bathrooms, mods, 等. 是被禁止的.
  • 吃剩的食物, 食物浪费, 食物容器应妥善处理,扔到室外的垃圾箱里. 禁止在社区空间、休息室或浴室垃圾桶内丢弃垃圾.
  • 禁止在浴室水槽、拖把水槽和厕所中丢弃垃圾或食物残渣. This waste will create plumbing and sanitation problems.
  • 所有干净的瓶子、易拉罐、纸张和硬纸板应放在蓝色的箱子里作为混合回收.


Vandalism and theft significantly impact the well-being of a community. 学生应尽一切努力尊重他们的宿舍,并向宿舍工作人员或newbb电子平台警察局报告损坏问题.

  • 禁止故意毁坏、污损或盗窃任何公共或私人财产. Incidents of vandalism may result in a fine, report to newbb电子平台 Police, or referral to the Office of 社区标准 and Student Responsibility.
  • 对包容性卓越目标或归属感产生负面影响的故意破坏事件应报告给 Campus Climate Concerns Team.
  • 对破坏行为的调查可以确定对损害负责的个人或团体. 在适当的时候, results of the investigation may result in a fine, report to newbb电子平台 Police, 或将涉及的个人或团体转介到社区标准和学生责任办公室.