


The university’s relationship to sororities and fraternities is more than recognition or registration it is a close relationship based upon mutual interests and reciprocal support. Recognizing that membership in a fraternity or sorority can be a positive and educational experience, the University supports the notion that membership in a social fraternity or sorority offers a supportive and developmental experience for today’s student.

在下列准则范围内, the University expects and encourages social sororities and fraternities to operate with as much independence as their performance warrants because it recognizes that self-governance fosters development of personal and group responsibilities and maturity. The University values diversity in student groups and living arrangements and acknowledges that the social opportunities inherent in a small group setting can make a significant contribution to students’ education.

大学和姐妹会关系的基础 & 博爱社区包括以下内容:

  • newbb电子平台的学生,由于注册,主要是为了接受教育. This basic academic relationship between the student and the University cannot be altered by co-curricular activities such as membership in a social sorority or fraternity. 而, membership in a fraternity or sorority should enhance that relationship between the student and the University. The University reinforces the educational mission of inter/national fraternities and sororities by implementing Academic Guidelines for fraternities and sororities related to minimum average GPA standards, 以及协助那些未能达到这些标准的学生制定学术改进计划.
  • The fraternity or sorority chapter is an organization that has received a charter or other recognition document from an intern/national office or is a provisional chapter (i.e. 殖民地)较大的国际/国家组织. 大学与国际/国家组织之间的这种伙伴关系是成功不可或缺的一部分, 减少风险, 以及对章节的支持, “地方”组织是不允许的.
  • 加强共同自治和同侪问责的理想, 每个分会应属于一个管理委员会, a self-governing oversight body made up of elected/appointed undergraduate fraternity/sorority members who are current undergraduate students.
  • Each fraternity or sorority chapter should have a constitution and bylaws that define the goals and operations of the organization. The chapter is recognized by newbb电子平台 on the premise that these goals are compatible with those of the University and that the organization will constantly work towards their stated goals as well as have their own internal methods of accountability.
  • Each fraternity or sorority chapter is expected to register annually as a student organization and follow the minimum guidelines and expectations for student organization recognition including the 5 minimum standard and the minimum, 总裁官员, 副总统, 和财务主管.
  • Each chapter should have advisors (in addition to the designated University staff members) responsible for assisting with the growth and development of the organization.
  • Each organization is expected to observe and uphold University regulations relating to the social and personal conduct of students and organizations as outlined within the Student Code of Conduct. 此外,社会兄弟会和姐妹会也有望跟随OSFL的足迹.
  • Membership selection is enforced as being the responsibility of the individual organizations and should follow set guidelines detailed by an inter/national organization. newbb电子平台 will provide administrative support and guidance to council-sponsored recruitment programming or individual chapter membership intake efforts in the form of advertisement, 后勤支持, 学术标准验证, 等. 学校将维持第一学期的能力, 一年级学生加入一个组织, but students will only be eligible to join a social sorority or fraternity if an invitation for membership (i.e. bid) has been extended to the individual and they are reported to the Office of 姐妹会和兄弟会生活.
  • 大学和姐妹会之间的共同纽带 & 博爱社区是个人成长的培育. 的女学生联谊会 & Fraternity community can and is expected to contribute to the development of the “whole” person by:
    1. 提供一个强调智力的小组环境, 文化, 和社会方面的社区生活,促进有效的领导, 负责任的决策, 并考虑他人的权利;
    2. Encouraging active participation in University events and activities through effective organization, 沟通, 与协调;
    3. Assisting with the development of interpersonal skills by providing opportunities for interaction and relationship building;
    4. Promoting attitudes that stimulate lifetime interest in higher education in general an in newbb电子平台.
    5. 学业成绩最终取决于个人的表现和动机, but the drive for excellence can be stimulated and the necessary support and assistance provided by the actions of the chapter. Each fraternity and sorority chapter at newbb电子平台 is to maintain an environment conducive to learning and individual growth.

Other evidence of support provided by the University includes organizational data included in the national and 大学的计分卡; special leadership training and development for chapter and council officers; mailboxes and meeting space in Baker University Center; second-year housing exemptions for recognized facility living; professional staff advisement and advocacy; and the provision of regular fire safety inspections of the recognized chapter facilities by Environmental Health and 安全.