

The following guidelines are to be used for the safe handling and disposal of Hazardous 化学废物 at newbb电子平台. No Radioactive Waste will be handled through this procedure. 查阅 辐射安全手册 妥善处理放射性废物. No Biohazard or Asbestos Waste will be handled by this procedure. 查阅 Biosafety Manual and Asbestos Manual (found on the 程序文件 页面).


参见政策程序 here.

化学废物鉴定责任, 标签, and packaging rests with the principal investigator or area supervisor. The principal investigator or area supervisor should follow all of the procedures in the guidelines and provide proper instruction to personnel under their supervision.

订购化学品时, minimize volumes by purchasing the smallest quantity of a chemical consistent with experimental protocol. Chemicals should be dated when received in a permanent and legible fashion. This procedure will aid in evaluating the hazard when a particular chemical becomes waste. Frequently chemical suppliers will attempt to sell more chemicals for less, 请不要购买多余的化学品. Surplus chemicals tend to end up in the chemical waste stream at a later date.

A. 存放化学品及化学废物

  1. 化学药品必须按照 兼容性和危险等级.
  2. Excess or outdated chemicals should not be allowed to accumulate in any location to a point that would create an unsafe working environment for laboratory personnel. NOTE: Before disposing of excess chemicals, determine if any other researcher has a need for them.
  3. Inventories of all chemicals in each laboratory should be conducted every year. Check for damaged labels, outdated chemicals, damaged containers, and 过氧化物形成化合物.
  4. 集装箱不要超载.
  5. 只有混合 兼容的废物.



  1. 1. 识别废物流. 选择一个容器收集废物, ensuring that the container is appropriate for the waste stream. The waste must not weaken or destroy the container, and the container must have a sealable lid. (example: Do not use a metal container to store a corrosive mixture.) Place the collection container into a secondary containment device; this is a tray or dish to collect spills or leaks. The secondary container must be able to contain the volume of the primary container.
  2. 在容器上贴红色危险废物标签. 填好内容、建筑和房间号. Write a description of the type of waste to be collected (organic solvents, aqueous acids, etc.) 联系 the 安全 Department 有害物质s Manager to request the hazardous waste stickers (safety@shichengjigou.net).
  3. Do not mix hazardous waste streams or hazardous and non-hazardous wastes.
  1. Transfer waste to the container using a funnel to reduce spills. Ensure that the waste put into the container will not undergo further reaction causing hazardous pressurization of the container.
  2. The cap must be used to seal the waste container except when the container is actively being filled.
  3. Select a location for the container and secondary containment device where it can be easily accessed, 但不太可能被推翻. If needed, store the waste in a chemical fume hood or in a cabinet.
  4. Keep a list of chemicals that are added to the waste container. 你可以直接把单子贴在红色的贴纸上. Or you can keep the list elsewhere to be added to the sticker, 或者附着在容器上, 当容器装满时. 废物容器必须在装满时移走. 你必须要求把废物从你的实验室移走.
  5. 要清除废物,必须:
  1. 完成黄色贴纸上的信息. 贴纸的例子如下所示.
  1. 完整的 化学废物处置表格[Excel]
  2. Email or send the completed form to the 有害物质s Manager at safety@shichengjigou.net or through campus mail to 有害物质s Manager, 安全 Department, University Service Center.
  3. Please call the 设施管理及安全 Work Center at 740-593-2911 to submit a work request for collection.
  4. The 有害物质s manager will pick-up the waste from your area, and store it in an accumulation area until it can be removed from campus by hazardous waste contractors.
  1. Being as complete as possible in identifying the waste on the sticker and forms helps to:
  1. Ensure the 有害物质s Manager handles the waste properly.
  2. Allow the disposal company to properly handle the material, 尽可能回收,必要时进行处理.
  3. 降低成本. Any unidentified waste must be tested prior to treatment or disposal.
  4. 识别未识别的容器.
  1. 打电话给克里夫·汉密尔顿(740)593-1663寻求帮助.



- If the chemical has a change (separated, formed crystals, changed color, etc.) such that the chemical can no longer be used for its intended purpose.


  1. Label the container clearly and accurately with a yellow/orange hazardous waste label. 包括危险信息和日期.
  2. Store the hazardous waste as outlined on the other side of this sheet.
  3. Request that the 有害物质s Manager pick-up the waste by completing and submitting 化学废物处置表格[Excel]


If the EPA inspects hazardous waste in your lab, what will they be looking for?

►If any outside agency asks to inspect your lab: ask the agency to wait until there is a 安全 Department representative, 拨打安全部门电话593-1666.◄

  • 你知道你生产的有害废物是什么吗?
  • 以下内容已通过电话发送了吗?
    • Name and telephone number of emergency coordinator (OUPD 593-1911 & 安全署(593-1666)
    • 消防和泄漏控制设备的位置
    • 当地消防部门电话(911)
    • Are employees familiar with waste handling and emergency procedures?
  • 是否采取措施将火灾的可能性降到最低, 爆炸, 或任何意外排放的危险废物?
  • For your waste storage areas (also called satellite accumulation areas)
    • 他们快到生育年龄了吗?
    • 它们在废物产生器的控制之下吗?
    • Do they have closed containers that are compatible with their contents and well maintained?
    • Are the containers marked with the words “hazardous waste” and other words identifying the contents?
    • Containers handled in a manner to prevent rupture or leakage?
  • 集装箱上写的是开始累积日期吗?

这是一张打印表 紧急信息标志[PDF]. 请确保填写完整的区域特定信息.

Questions regarding the chemical waste program should be addressed to 环境工程师 或致电740-593-1663.