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September 1, 2021

It’s a great time to work as an allied health professional. 他们不仅代表了医疗保健总劳动力的近60%,而且也是当今医疗保健行业中最受欢迎的医学培训专业人员. 

Allied health professionals can lead from a wide variety of job titles and positions; in fact, 这个行业是美国发展最快的一些职业的所在地.

What is an allied health professional?


  • 利用循证实践来诊断和治疗各种疾病.
  • Knowledgeably advocate for disease prevention.
  • Utilize scientific methods to promote wellness.
  • 具备组织和支持卫生保健系统的行政和管理技能.

Respiratory therapists, medical assistants, physical therapy assistants, occupational therapy assistants, medical laboratory technologists, imaging specialists, nutritionists, dental hygienists,  运动科学专业人员只是联合健康专业人员中的一部分.

而联合医疗的一些职业可能只需要副学士学位, 现在越来越多的雇主要求专业人员拥有学士学位, which can be earned through a completion program like the Bachelor of Science in Integrated Healthcare Studies offered within the College of Health Sciences and Professions at Ohio University.


Medical Sales Representative

Average annual salary: $78,9591

medical sales representative job description and salary

医疗保健行业的销售可能是一种有益的经历. 作为制造医疗设备和产品的公司与使用它们的消费者之间的纽带, 医药销售代表在发展客户关系方面发挥着至关重要的作用, managing accounts, answering questions of clientele and more. 医药销售代表的客户群包括药剂师, doctors, nurses and other medical professionals.


Clinical Application Coordinator

Average annual salary: $62,7022 


On the technical side of health care, newbb电子程序协调器可以承担广泛的工作职责. newbb电子程序协调员的职位也可以获得Epic(许多大型医院和卫生组织使用的软件)的认证,以增加他们的价值和收入能力,平均年薪范围为107美元,950.

Requirements could include:

  • 协助定义并将业务需求转化为系统功能和newbb电子需求
  • 排除故障,解决问题,审核,调试和解决分配的系统问题
  • 分析和评估系统设计规范,并根据需要提出变更建议
  • Provide system coding and programming
  • 优化系统性能和技术利用的临床医生
  • 与临床医生和企业合作,确定解决方案和系统增强和效率

Veteran Service Officer

Average annual salary: $44,7113

Veteran services officer job description and salary

退伍军人服务官员(VSO)倡导并帮助退伍军人及其家属获得福利和/或援助. Trained to answer questions and provide options, 退伍军人对联邦政府提供的资源非常了解, state and local levels. 他们还可以代表退伍军人参加福利听证会,并就医疗保健问题进行宣传和教育, employment, housing, compensation, pension and more.

“我喜欢我所做的事情,”退伍军人詹姆斯·克莱门特(James Clemente)说 Bachelor of Science in Integrated Healthcare Studies program at Ohio University. “It’s a perfect fit as I get to deal with veterans every day. 帮助退伍军人社区并回馈他们是一种有益的经历.”

Patient Access Coordinator

Average annual salary: $44,5714

Clinical application coordinator job description and salary

Patient, or clinical access, 协调员帮助组织和监督初级保健医生办公室的日常工作, hospital, clinic or other health care facility.

“I check patients in and help at the front desk. 我和病人一起检查病历,确保每件事都能及时登记,并检查记录,确保每件事都是最新的,” said Bianka Ferreira, a clinical coordinator with the Allegheny Health Network, and a 2018 graduate of Ohio University’s College of Health Sciences and Professions. “我们帮助病人安排体检和其他预约,并照顾医生办公室运作期间所需的任何其他事情.”

临床协调员还可以执行或协助执行诸如为卫生保健机构订购用品等任务, 雇用和管理其他员工和协调员的日程安排, and general operations of the facility.

Medical Claims Examiner

Average annual salary: $43,0885

medical claims examiner jobs and job description

医疗索赔审查员的工作描述可能包括与保险公司合作评估保险索赔, 确保申请是真实和准确的,并满足所有必要的指导方针,以方便付款.

Attention to detail, 强大的管理技能和对医学术语的理解都是医疗索赔审查员应该具备的宝贵素质, 雇主通常更愿意雇佣那些拥有相关健康或生命科学领域学士学位的人.

