A student shares their work, which is displayed on a posterboard, with another student.
Programs and Events

Programs and Events

The Institute to Advance Health Equity (ADVANCE) provides opportunities for Ohio University faculty, staff, students and trainees to engage in a variety of collaborative meetings and events. These programs and events aim to foster team science and facilitate clinical and community research partnerships.

ADVANCE Ongoing Programs

  • Lunch Seminar

    The ADVANCE Lunch Seminar is held virtually on the last Wednesday of every month during the academic calendar year. The Lunch Seminar is a great time for participants to share research, receive input from colleagues, discuss topics of interest as a group, learn about research support and build community.

    Send an email to advance@shichengjigou.net to request a calendar invite to the ADVANCE Lunch Seminar.

  • Writing Group

    The ADVANCE Writing Group meets every Monday from 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. at the Factory Street cafe in Heritage Hall. The Writing Group serves as a way for attendees to dedicate calendar time for writing-intensive activities related to research.

    Send an email to advance@shichengjigou.net to request a calendar invite to the ADVANCE Writing Group.