GIS graphic with world in hands
学习地理信息系统 & 制图学

在线GIS证书:GIS & 制图学

No Prior Background Needed in GIS

  • 完全在线
  • For recent college graduates and working professionals
  • Gain expertise in GIS and cartography
  • 12个学分
  • 没有GRE考试

马上申请  请求的信息

证书名称及编号: Geospatial Information Science: GIS & 制图(CTGISC)


For more information, contact the Certificate Coordinator: Dr. Gaurav Sinha.


The ability to think spatially, 解释地图, and creatively use geospatial technologies is a fundamental skill expected in a wide variety of careers today. Maps and mapping technologies also underlie a significant proportion of everyday decision-making.

Acquiring such skills requires formal training in many topics related to the interdisciplinary field of Geospatial Information Science (GIScience). This online graduate certificate is designed for recent college graduates and working professionals without prior background in GIS or 制图学.

On completion of this certificate, students will be able to independently complete typical mapping 地理空间分析 tasks arising regularly in a wide variety of disciplines and professions.

The expected time to complete this certificate is three semesters.


根据 GIS认证协会, the number of professionals engaged in the geospatial industry will exceed 675,000 after 2020. GIS and mapping jobs are now so diverse that they are available at various levels of proficiency across thousands of different industries, 政府机构, 以及学术机构. 证书完成后, professionals may be able to advance in their current jobs or apply for new jobs by leveraging their newly acquired GIS based mapping and geospatial data analysis skills.


Students must complete three graduate level courses (12个学分) as listed below and must earn a minimum grade of C in every course. 另外, as required by the graduate college, the minimum overall GPA requirement for earning this certificate is 3.0. Additional questions about the certificate can be directed to the Certificate Coordinator.  


  • GEOG 5730 - Principles of GIS (4 credits)
  • GEOG 5600 - 制图学 I (4 credits)
  • GEOG 5610 - 制图学 II (4 credits)


2020年秋季: Start with GEOG 5730 - Principles of GIS.

2021年春季: Take GEOG 5600 - 制图学 I.

2021年秋季: Finish with GEOG 5610 - 制图学 II.



The certificate is open to anyone who has earned a bachelor’s degree, is not currently enrolled in a graduate degree program at newbb电子平台, and meets the minimum requirements of admission to university graduate programs. Applicants for this certificate must complete a non-degree application.

The deadline for the fall semester is July 15. And the spring semester deadline is Dec. 1.

国际学生:  This certificate program does not permit full-time enrollment in residence at newbb电子平台, and an I-20 cannot be issued based on admission to this program.


Tuition and fees are assessed based on the number of credit hours of enrollment, 俄亥俄州的居住权, 和程序.

课程 are 4 credit hours each, and the certificate is a total of 12 credit hours.



Certificate 学习成果

Upon certificate completion, students will be able to:

  • define and discuss the major theoretical issues of and emerging trends affecting the computational representation, 可视化, and analysis of geographic information.
  • correctly identify problems and decision-making situations that require the use of geospatial data and GIS technology.
  • demonstrate practical knowledge of GIS software for mapping, 数据库管理, 地理空间分析.
  • demonstrate high quality graphic and map design abilities.
  • demonstrate knowledge of when and how to use web-mapping technologies (e.g., Javascript, ArcGIS Online, MapBox) for creating and sharing interactive web-maps.