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Online MPA FAQs

Time and Duration

How fast can I complete the online or hybrid MPA programs?

You can complete the program in just two years. The curriculum for each MPA program varies. 要查看您感兴趣的课程,请访问该课程的个别课程页面: Online MPA, Executive MPA.


在线课程是为全职专业人士设计的,只提供兼职, with one to two classes every 15 weeks. 这可以让你在工作之间达到一个现实的平衡, 学校和个人的责任,让你有机会充分吸收课程中的信息. The curriculum for each MPA program varies. 要查看您感兴趣的课程,请访问该课程的个别课程页面: Online MPA, Executive MPA.


在线课程是为全职专业人士设计的,提供兼职, with one to two classes every 15 weeks. 这可以让你在工作之间达到一个现实的平衡, school, 以及个人责任,让你有机会充分吸收课程中的信息. The curriculum for each MPA program varies. 要查看您感兴趣的课程,请访问该课程的个别课程页面: Online MPA, Executive MPA.

Tuition and Fees


Executive MPA

俄亥俄州居民的学费为每学分594美元,非居民的学费为每学分613美元. 你需要修满36个学分,总学费为21美元,384 for Ohio residents and $22,068 for non-residents.

Online MPA

俄亥俄州居民的学费为每学分804美元,非居民的学费为每学分823美元. 你需要修满36个学分,总学费为28美元,944 for Ohio residents and $29,628 for non-residents.

Tuition for each program varies. 有关您感兴趣的课程的每学分费用,请访问个别课程的学费页面: Online MPA, Executive MPA.

Do the MPA programs offer scholarships?

newbb电子平台为我们的现役和退伍军人感到自豪, alumni, and employees of corporate partners. 作为这些团体之一的成员,并在2023-2024学年注册符合条件的在线研究生课程之一的新生有资格获得奖学金 15% OHIO Online Incentive Scholarship .

What is the total tuition for the MPA programs?

Executive MPA

Tuition for the online Executive MPA program is $21,384 for Ohio residents and $22,068 for non-residents. 你需要完成36个学分,俄亥俄州居民每学分594美元,非居民每学分613美元.

Online MPA

Tuition for the online Executive MPA program is $28,944 for Ohio residents and $29,628 for non-residents. 你需要完成36个学分,俄亥俄州居民每学分804美元,非居民每学分823美元.

Tuition for each program varies. 有关您感兴趣的课程的总学费,请访问个别课程的学费页面: Online MPA, Executive MPA.


在线、混合和执行MPA课程的申请费为50美元. 此外,书本费和差旅费不包括在学费中. Tuition for each program varies. 有关您感兴趣的课程的总学费,请访问该课程的个人学费页面: Online MPA, Executive MPA.



No, there are no entrance exams required. Each MPA program has different admissions requirements. Find out more about Online MPA admissions, Executive MPA admissions.


The online Executive MPA program requires a minimum of three years of professional experience; however, 在线MPA课程不需要事先的工作经验. Each MPA program has different admissions requirements. Find out more about Online MPA admissions, Executive MPA admissions.


The online MPA programs accept up to nine transfer credits. Each MPA program has different admissions requirements. Find out more about Online MPA admissions, Executive MPA admissions.


最多9个学分可以转移到在线MPA课程中. Each MPA program has different admissions requirements. Find out more about Online MPA admissions, Executive MPA admissions.


我们每年提供三个项目,并一直接受申请. 我们的招生团队可以帮助您确定适合您和您的学术目标的正确开始日期. Contact us to learn more




Please contact us for more information on future virtual open house events.


How many courses are in the online or hybrid MPA programs?

你将完成12门课程来获得在线行政MPA学位,完成12门课程来获得在线MPA学位. Find out more about Online MPA courses, Executive MPA courses.


在线行政MPA课程不包括任何专业. Meanwhile, the online MPA program offers three concentrations, including public leadership and management, 非营利组织管理以及州和地方政府管理.



Do the online MPA programs follow a cohort model?

是的,在线emba项目采用队列模式. 这可以让你与同学和老师建立更深的关系, expanding your network, support system and career opportunities.

Are the online MPA programs available in a hybrid format?

是的,在线行政MPA课程提供了最大的灵活性,并以混合格式提供. 这意味着如果你愿意的话,你可以选择在校内学习一些课程,也可以选择在网上学习其他课程. The online MPA is offered completely online.

Do the online MPA programs have a residency component?

The Executive MPA program has a residency component. Throughout the program, 每年有20个星期六在newbb电子平台都柏林校区举行面对面的课堂会议, 将所有队列成员和教师聚集在一个地方进行协作.

The online MPA program is completely online.



Career Outlook


拥有MPA学位的人通常会追求诸如区域规划师之类的职业头衔, medical and health services managers and more, with potential average salaries of $101,340 and projected job growth rates as high as 28%, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Learn more about your career options by visiting our careers page.