







Pam Benoit | Executive Vice President and Provost


罗德里克J. 麦克戴维斯|总统

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. 概述

    This policy provides for compatibility, 一致性, and quality of alarm systems utilized on the 雅典 campus of Ohio university, and provides for a standardized review and approval procedure.

    No building or area on campus will be equipped with an alarm without conforming to this policy. 就本政策而言, “警报”是指监控校园某一地点的状况并向远程报告中心的人员发出需要采取行动的状况警报的任何设备或系统.


  2. 一般规定

    1. Ohio university shall maintain a single-source vender contract to provide consultation, 安装, 维护, and monitoring of all remote reporting alarm systems that monitor environmental or security conditions on campus.

    2. Fire alarm systems report remotely, but are not covered by the single-source vendor contract.

    3. Any department or office seeking to install a remote reporting alarm system, 除了火灾报警系统, must do so using only the approved vendor contract.

    4. With the exception of legacy systems already in place on the effective date of this policy, 与安装和维护报警系统有关的所有费用应由安装该系统的办公室或部门承担.

    5. The office or department installing the alarm system must bear the ongoing cost of monitoring, 按照合同规定.

  3. 环境警报

    1. 环境警报 include all alarm systems that monitor conditions that do not involve hazardous materials, 对人类生命的威胁, 或者潜在的犯罪活动.

    2. 安装环境报警系统的部门或办公室必须向报警公司提供需要监控的环境的详细信息, acceptable parameters for those conditions, and what conditions result in an alarm.

    3. 拥有环境报警系统的部门或办公室必须向报警公司提供详细的说明,说明在发生报警情况时监测服务应采取的行动. These instructions must include a twenty-four hour, prioritized contact list with names and phone numbers for department or office personnel to be notified of an alarm condition. The contact list shall be kept current.

    4. OUPD不应被列为环境警报的联络点,除非这样做的具体安排已由警察局长或其指定人员审查和批准.

  4. 安全警报

    1. 安全警报包括所有监视潜在犯罪活动或威胁人类生命的情况的警报系统, with the exception of fire alarms and hazardous material alarms.

    2. 寻求安装安全系统的部门或办公室必须向警察局长或其指定人员提交拟议安装的详细说明. The description shall include all conditions to be monitored, 所有传感器的位置, typical hours the system will be in effect, and any specific safety concerns relative to the alarm area. 除了, 一份24小时优先联系名单,包括部门或办公室人员的姓名和电话号码,以便在警报条件或系统出现问题时通知,必须提供给newbb电子平台警察局(OUPD)并保持最新状态.

    3. 安装安全系统的部门或办公室将通知报警公司,OUPD应是所有警报激活或系统故障的唯一通知点. In case of an activation or trouble notification, OUPD will determine the appropriate response, dispatch police personnel if the activation requires it, and notify the department or office personnel of the alarm or trouble notification accordingly. OUPD shall also be provided with access to arm and disarm all security alarm systems.

    4. 对于由于员工错误或其他可纠正的情况(如:)而导致多次误报的安全警报系统的任何部门或办公室,OUPD可以发出书面警告.g., a fan left on blowing papers and activating a motion sensor). 在部门或办公室收到书面警告后,OUPD可能会对每次错误激活收取每次事件费用.

    5. 任何设有保安系统的部门或办公室如停止积极使用和监控该系统,必须以书面通知警察局长或其指定人员该系统正在停用,以及停用的生效日期.

  5. 危险物质报警器

    1. 危险物质报警器 include all alarm systems that monitor levels of harmful agents such as chemicals, 辐射, 激光, 等., with the exception of fire alarms.

    2. 寻求安装有害物质报警系统的部门或办公室必须向环境健康与安全(EHS)主任或其指定人员提交拟议安装的详细说明. The description shall include all conditions to be monitored, 所有传感器的位置, typical hours the system will be in effect, and specific instructions and safety precautions for emergency responders in the event of an alarm condition. 除了, 24小时优先联系名单,包括部门或办公室人员的姓名和电话号码,以便在警报情况或系统问题时通知OUPD,并保持最新状态.

    3. The director of EHS or his designee shall approve or modify the proposal and return it to the department or office, which shall then coordinate 安装 with the alarm company, 根据大学合同.

    4. 安装危险物质报警系统的部门或办公室将通知报警公司,OUPD应是所有报警激活或系统故障的唯一通知点. In case of an activation or trouble notification, OUPD will determine the appropriate response, dispatch appropriate emergency personnel if the activation requires it, and notify the department or office personnel of the alarm or trouble notification accordingly.

    5. 任何拥有危险物质报警系统的部门或办公室停止积极使用和监控该系统,必须通知EHS主任和警察局长, 或其指定人员, in writing that the system is being deactivated and the effective date of the deactivation.

  6. 火警

    1. 火警 include all alarm systems that monitor conditions indicative of a potential fire.

    2. 寻求安装火警报警器的部门或办公室必须向EHS主任或其指定人员提交详细的请求.

    3. EHS主任或其指定人员应批准或修改建议,并向部门或办公室提供估算费用.

    4. The department or office will submit the request and estimate cost to the planning unit head for approval. If the funds are identified and the 安装 is approved, it shall be completed under the direction of EHS in accordance with all applicable state and national standards and regulations.

    5. 所有火灾报警系统应远程向位于应急通信中心的专用报告终端报告激活情况,该中心负责向火灾报警系统所在地调度应急服务.

    6. System 维护 shall be the responsibility of EHS.

  7. Transition of legacy alarm systems

    1. Legacy alarm systems refer to those alarm systems already installed and operational on the effective date of this policy.

    2. 将以书面形式通知所有拥有传统报警系统的部门或办公室,向单一来源供应商合同过渡,以继续维护和监测报警系统. 书面通知应包括部门或办公室在本财政年度剩余时间和下一个财政年度的所有时间内维护其现有警报系统的估计费用.

    3. The cost of transitioning legacy systems to the single-source vendor will be born by OUPD, 除非遗留系统与单一来源供应商不兼容,并且需要采购和安装新系统.

    4. The monitoring fees associated with continuing a legacy system shall be born by the department or office.

    5. 书面通知将包括一个暂定日期,部门或办公室应在此日期之前决定是否继续使用单一来源供应商的警报系统, or deactivate their alarm system.

    6. 选择继续使用其报警系统的部门或办公室应与OUPD和单一来源供应商协调过渡. 除了, they shall provide all contact lists and response instructions as required elsewhere in this policy.

    7. Once transitioned, all alarm systems will be maintained in accordance with this policy.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. Vice President for Finance and Administration

  2. Associate Vice President for Risk Management and Safety

  3. 首席信息官

  4. Director of Environmental Health and Safety

  5. Director of Facilities Management

  6. 策划组主管