



June 27, 2019

Initiated by:


Endorsed by:

Nico Karagosian大学促进副主席

Approved by:

M. Duane Nellis President 

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. Purpose

    To provide colleges, schools, departments, 认可的学生组织和兴趣团体, 以及建立校友组织和赞助校友活动的政策和实施程序,其主要目的是促进newbb电子平台的使命和宗旨.

  2. Policy

    newbb电子平台只承认一个校友会. newbb电子平台校友会根据其章程和指示必须授权所有校友组织, clubs, groups, societies or corporate partners. 不遵守下列程序可导致撤销本集团的章程.

  3. Procedures

    1. Establishment of alumni organizations

      1. The Ohio university alumni association, 学校的正式校友会, grants charters to alumni groups. These groups may represent colleges, schools, departments, groups based on interests or affiliations, corporate entities or organizations, 或者以校友聚集的地理位置为基础. 校友会建议将大学实体命名为“校友会”.e., college, school, department or interest group organizations); "Chapter" for geographically based organizations; and "Partner" for groups based on corporate or other programmatic affiliation. “协会”一词不得用于校友组成团体的名称.

      2. newbb电子平台校友关系助理副校长, or his or her designee, 有关建立校友会成员团体的程序,须与校方联络. newbb电子平台校友会章程规定了建立这类组织的程序. 所有希望成立校友组织的团体都必须遵守这些程序. 这些程序概述了与这些组织的成员资格和管理政策有关的要求.

    2. Sponsorship of alumni activities

      1. Role of the office of alumni relations


      2. Communication

        1. The office of alumni relations, 负责协调所有校友会项目, 大学主办的所有校友活动都必须事先咨询吗, schools, and departments of the institution. 校友活动和项目的公告必须首先与校友关系办公室进行审查和批准,以确保没有时间冲突发生, 促进沟通和市场营销,以确保符合风格和品牌准则.

        2. 所有来自校友组织的通讯, including minutes of meetings, announcements of events, agendas, newsletters, flyers, 网页必须定期与校友关系办公室、晋升沟通和营销人员进行审查. 官方出版物必须声明该组织是由, recognized by, 并隶属于newbb电子平台校友会. (Please refer to Policy 31.010, “出版向校外读者分发的期刊,“关于在校外分发期刊和通讯的程序.)

      3. Mailing lists

        1. 先进服务将协助单位和部门提供方便, timely retrieval of information, 包括在线访问和生成邮寄列表,以便交付给newbb电子平台收发室(或其他经批准的邮局或供应商), 以及生成电子邮件列表,供代表各单位和部门的高级通信和营销(ACM)使用, as needed.

        2. ACM向俄亥俄工作人员和校友志愿者提供广播电子邮件服务.

        3. 先进服务不提供邮政或电子邮件邮件列表文件(例如.g. .csv or .XLSX文件)发送给单位、部门或其他合作伙伴.

        4. Alumni groups, colleges, 在与校友和朋友联系方面需要支持的单位和部门应通过电话740-597-4300或通过电子邮件alumni@ohio与俄亥俄州校友会联络.edu.

      4. Fund raising

        校友组织如果计划进行筹款项目,必须咨询发展办公室. (Please refer to Policy 37.001, "Fund Raising from Private Sources.") Likewise, 任何希望收取会费的校友组织必须首先咨询校友关系办公室.

      5. Logo design

        newbb电子平台校友会使用官方校徽, an official associated brand logo, 和/或附带的俄亥俄校友会标志. 这些标志之一必须是校友组织的所有印刷材料的组成部分,并且必须是任何校友组织网站主页的组成部分.

      6. Services

        newbb电子平台校友会为所有校友提供一些特殊的会员服务项目. These include an alumni travel program, life and health insurance, a merchandising program, credit card program, and web services program. 未经助理副校长事先批准,校友组织不得举办特别服务项目, alumni relations.



  1. Executive Staff Policy Review Committee

  2. Advancement leadership

  3. Dean of Students

  4. Academic Deans

  5. OIT Security Office

  6. University Communications and Marketing