










  1. 政策依据 

    第3345节.0215 of the Revised Code requires that each state institution of higher education adopt a policy that affirms the principles stated in paragraph (B) of this policy and establish a process under which a student, 学生团体, 或者教职员工 may submit a complaint about an alleged violation of this policy by any employee of the institution. 此外,第3345条.0212 of the Revised Code requires each state institution of higher education to adopt a policy on harassment that is consistent with and adheres strictly to the definition of harassment in section 3345.修订法典第0211条. 大学政策 01.040 也传达了newbb电子平台对言论自由的承诺. 

  2. 政策的理据

    Ohio university is committed to maintaining the campus as a market的地方 of ideas for all students and all faculty in which the free exchange of ideas is not suppressed because the ideas put forth are thought by some or even by most members of the institution's community to be 进攻, 不明智的, 不道德的, 有伤风化的, 不愉快的, 保守的, 自由, 传统的, 激进的, 或错误的. 

    支持这一承诺,并确保遵守联邦和州法律法规, Ohio university has developed this policy and related processes that inform members of the university community about prohibited behavior and provide a prompt, 公平, 以及公正的程序来处理涉嫌违反这一政策的行为. 


    1. “学生有言论自由的基本宪法权利."
    2. newbb电子平台“致力于给学生广泛的言论自由, 写, 听, 挑战, 学习, 讨论任何问题,根据本政策第(E)段的规定.
    3. It is for "individual students and faculty to make judgment about ideas for themselves and to act on those judgments not by seeking to suppress free speech but by openly and vigorously contesting the ideas they oppose."
    4. “试图保护个人免受言论自由的侵害,这不是newbb电子平台应有的角色”, 包括他们觉得冒犯的想法和观点, 不明智的, 不道德的, 有伤风化的, 不愉快的, 保守的, 自由, 传统的, 激进的, 或错误的."
    5. 虽然newbb电子平台非常重视文明和相互尊重, "concerns about civility and respect will not be used" by Ohio university "as a justification for closing off the discussion of ideas, 然而, 进攻, 不明智的, 不道德的, 有伤风化的, 不愉快的, 保守的, 自由, 传统的, 激进的, 或者对一些学生或教师来说,这些想法可能是错误的." 
    6. “尽管所有的学生和教师都可以自由地表达自己的观点,并对校园里表达的观点提出异议, 并陈述他们对受邀在校园发表观点的演讲者的看法, they may not substantially obstruct or otherwise substantially interfere with the freedom of others to express views they reject or even loathe.为此目的, Ohio university has a responsibility to promote lively and fearless freedom of debate and deliberation and protect that freedom." 
    7. newbb电子平台“致力于提供一种最有利于投机的氛围, 实验, 以及全体师生的共同创造, 谁能永远自由地发问, 研究, 为了评估, 并获得新的理解." 
    8. “首要责任是聘用诚实的人, 勇敢的, 以及在他们的能力范围内不懈地寻找和传播真理的努力." 
  3. 定义 


    1. “好处”包括, 无限制:认可, 登记, 使用newbb电子平台的设施来开会或演讲, 利用newbb电子平台的交流渠道, 以及newbb电子平台任何学生团体都可以获得的资金来源. 
    2. “宪法的时间, 的地方, “方式限制”是指对时间的限制, 的地方, 以及不违反美国宪法第一修正案或第一条的言论自由的方式, 俄亥俄州宪法第3条和第11条是合理的, 内容和观点中立, 量身定制,以满足重要的机构利益, and leave open ample alternative channels for the communication of the information or message to its intended audience.
    3. “教育计划或活动”指地点, 事件, 或情况, 包括就业, where the University exercises substantial control over both the respondent and the context in which the alleged policy violation occurs and includes any building owned or controlled by a student organization that is officially recognized by the University.
    4. “表达活动”是指任何合法的言语活动, 写, 视听, 或者个人交流思想的电子手段, 包括一切形式的和平集会, 抗议活动, 演讲, 文献分布, 携带和展示标志, 分发请愿书.
    5. “教员”或“教员成员”指任何人, 这个人是否得到国家高等教育机构的补偿, 无论政治派别如何, 谁负责提供奖学金, 学术研究, 或教学. 就本政策而言, “教师”一词包括终身教授和非终身教授, 兼职教授, 来访的教授, 讲师, 研究生导师, 以及那些处于类似位置的人, 然而题为. 就本政策而言, “教员”一词不包括主要职责是行政或管理的人员.
    6. “言论自由”就是言论, 表达式, 或受美国宪法第一修正案或第一条保护的集会, 俄亥俄州宪法第3条和第11条, 口头或书面, 包括, 但不限于, 各种形式的和平集会, 抗议活动, 示威活动, 集会, 守夜, 游行, 公众演讲, 派发印刷品, 携带的迹象, 显示, 或者传阅请愿书. “言论自由”不包括任何产品或服务的推广、销售或分销.
    7. “骚扰” conduct and/or 表达式 that is not protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution or Article I of the Ohio Constitution because it is: 


      表达式 (或亲自), 以书面形式, or by telecommunication) must meet both elements to be actionable under Ohio university policies addressing harassment. 如果与大学政策中对骚扰的定义有冲突.004 or 40.这些定义优先.

      1. Unwelcome; and 
      2. 如此严重, 无处不在的, and objectively 进攻 that it effectively denies an individual equal access to the individual's education program or activity. 
    8. "Student" means any person who is enrolled on a full-time or part-time basis at Ohio university and includes 学生团体.
    9. “学生团体”是指newbb电子平台官方认可的团体, 或者是一个寻求官方认可的团体, 由接受录取的学生组成, 或者正在寻求接收, newbb电子平台的福利.
  4. 保单陈述书 

    1. newbb电子平台员工不得压制, 限制, 限制, 或者以其他方式阻碍宪法赋予学生言论自由的权利, 学生团体, 或者教职员工.
    2. 同样的, 除非本政策第(E)段另有规定, neither Ohio university nor any of its administrators acting in their official capacity shall prohibit any individual from engaging in noncommercial expressive activity on campus, so long as the individual’s conduct is lawful and does not 物质上 and substantially disrupt the functioning of the institution.

      "实质性地破坏"的意思是当一个人, 目的是…, 或者知道该怎么做, 严重阻碍他人或群体的表达活动, 阻止他们的信息交流, 或妨碍合法会议的业务交易, 收集, 或由任何一方列队行进:
      1. Engaging in violent or otherwise unlawful behaviors; or
      2. 用身体阻挡或使用暴力威胁来阻止任何人参加, 听, 查看, 或者以其他方式参与表达活动. This does not include conduct that is protected under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution or Section 3 Article I of the Ohio Constitution.
    3. 任何人不得因举报而报复, 作证, 协助, 参加了, 或者拒绝以任何方式参与调查, 进行, 或者在这个政策下听审. The exercise of rights protected under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution or Section 3 Article I of the Ohio Constitution does not constitute retaliation prohibited under this paragraph.
    4. newbb电子平台对言论自由的承诺并不延伸到骚扰. 有关骚扰的政策可在《newbb电子平台》、《newbb电子》中找到 03.004,以及大学政策 40.001.
  5. 保单适用范围 

    ​​​​​​Nothing contained in this policy shall be construed as prohibiting Ohio university from imposing measures that do not violate the First Amendment to the United States Constitution or Article I, 俄亥俄州宪法第3条和第11条,如(参见大学政策).040, 01.042和01.044(本段有链接);

    1. 宪法对时间、地点和方式的限制;
    2. 非公开论坛的合理中立限制
    3. Restricting the use of Ohio university’s property to protect the free speech rights of students and faculty members and preserve the use of the property for the advancement of the institution’s mission;
    4. 禁止或限制言论, 表达式, 或不受美国宪法第一修正案或第一条保护的集会, 俄亥俄州宪法第3和11条;
    5. 与合法的教学目的有合理关系的言论内容限制, 比如教师制定的课堂规则.

      Nothing in this policy shall be construed to grant students the right to disrupt previously scheduled or reserved activities occurring in a 传统的 public forum.

      本政策中没有任何规定允许个人从事故意的行为, 物质上, and substantially disrupts another individual’s expressive activity if it occurs in a campus space reserved for exclusive use or control of a particular individual or group.

      进一步, nothing in this policy shall be interpreted as 限制ing or impairing the university’s obligations under federal law, 通过其不歧视和第九条政策来解决这个问题. 这些联邦法律包括, 但不限于, 1965年高等教育法第四章, 1962年民权法案第六章, 1964年民权法案第七章, 1972年教育修正案第九条, 1973年康复法案第504条, 美国残疾人法案第二章, 《newbb电子平台》.

  6. 报告违反

    学生, 学生团体, and faculty members may use any of the options below to submit a complaint about an alleged violation of this policy by an Ohio university employee. 可就任何指称的违规行为提交报告.

    1. 通过点击“提交报告”,使用言论自由表格在线报告 http://www.OHIO.edu/equity-civil-rights. Reports submitted online are routed immediately to the Director of 大学公平和公民权利合规 (ECRC).

    2. 通过信件、电话或电子邮件向ECRC提交报告. 您可以在任何时间(包括非工作时间)使用以下联系方式提交报告. 也可在工作人员有空的工作日亲自到红十字会办公室提交报告.

      雅典,哦. 45701

    3. 也上升到犯罪水平的骚扰(例如.g., 真正的威胁, 儿童色情)也应该报告给newbb电子平台警察局.

  7. 调查与裁决 

    Investigation and adjudication of complaints under this policy will be conducted pursuant to the Freedom of 表达式 政策 Grievance Process (linked from the 参考文献 part of this policy).