44.050: Physical Access Control






斯蒂芬·D. Wood | Associate Vice President for Facilities Management & 安全


Deborah Shaffer | Vice President for Finance & 政府


M. 杜安·内利斯|总裁

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. 概述

    This policy establishes appropriate 访问控制 standards and procedures to enhance the physical security of Ohio university facilities and 资产.

    Ohio university 访问控制 is the functional area designated to 维护 appropriate 设施 访问控制 systems and procedures to enhance the safety and security of Ohio university 学生s, 员工, 承包商, 供应商, 客人, 资产, 研究, 和记录.

    为此目的, 学校门禁办公室和学校锁店拥有唯一的安装权限, 管理, 维护, 修改, and operate all 设施 访问控制 systems on the 雅典 campus. This includes both physical key and electronic 访问控制 systems. 电子出入控制系统由资讯科技署负责维修和操作. 这些职能可以委托给newbb电子平台地区校区的其他适当人员, 扩展校园, and centers at the discretion of the vice president for finance and administration.

    Ohio university requires that departments and units 维护 appropriate records and control of all keys and access credentials issued to them by 访问控制 in compliance with the provisions defined below. 除了, 个人密钥和证书持有者也有与使用相关的个人责任, protection and disposition of university keys and access credentials.

  2. 原则

    应根据具体情况评估密钥和访问控制凭证的颁发. Keys and credentials should be issued only when necessary, especially when granting access to space that contains valuables, 机密材料, 危险物质, 或设备.


    1. 选择访问

      只要有可能, utilize means for access that do 不 require the 发行 of keys or credentials to an individual – especially when the need for access is infrequent, arises because of special circumstances, 或者是短期的. 在这种情况下, 安排负责空间的个人提供访问权限,而不是颁发密钥或凭据.

    2. 临时访问

      仅临时需要访问,并且认为需要密钥或凭据, 应在发行时确定并通报明确的归还时间表和程序.

    3. Provide minimum level of access required


    4. 卡的访问

      在可能的情况下, 访问应通过电子访问凭据而不是颁发物理密钥来颁发. 通过电子门禁系统提供的访问更容易控制、监控和审计.

  3. Roles and responsibilities

    1. 访问控制


      1. 安装和管理newbb电子平台设施内的所有门禁系统.

        1. No department or tenant occupying any Ohio university 设施 may install, 未经门禁部门明确书面许可,擅自修改或操作上述设施内的任何门禁系统.

        2. Requests for the installation of new 访问控制 devices or systems, or the modification of existing devices or systems, should be directed to the 访问控制 office.

      2. 确保适当的访问控制程序的实施,并传达给校园社区.

      3. 维护所有门禁系统,无论是机械的还是电子的,都处于良好的工作状态.

      4. 控制密钥和电子访问权限的生成、发放和转移.

        1. Outside duplication of university keys is strictly prohibited. 第3345节.俄亥俄州修订法典第13条规定:“任何人不得故意制造或使人制造任何建筑物的钥匙, 实验室, 设施, 或由俄亥俄州全部或部分资助的任何大学的房间”.

      5. Maintaining records related to the request, 发行, 转移, loss and disposition of keys and access credentials.

    2. Departmental responsibilities

      It is the responsibility of each department head to designate an employee or 员工 to serve as the official departmental key contact(s) for their unit or area. Departments are responsible for the following functions:

      1. 部门钥匙联系人是唯一的部门权限,因为它涉及到钥匙, 核, electronic access schedules, 电子存取清单, and all other 访问控制 requests. Key contacts are responsible for requesting service from 访问控制 and ensuring appropriate dissemination of keys and access credentials.

      2. Departments and their designated key contacts are fully responsible for the proper tracking and 发行 of keys and 访问控制 devices.

      3. Routine audits of key inventory and core disposition are recommended to enhance proper control and that key records are accurate and updated.

      4. 每个部门都有责任确保从任何员工那里检索到所有密钥或访问凭据, 学生, 或因任何情况与学校分离的承包商(辞职), 终止, 退休, 撤军, 终止转让, 等.) It is further the responsibility of each department to ensure that the 访问控制 office is contacted to revoke any electronic access privileges that a separated employee, 客人, 学生, 供应商, 或者承包商可能有.

      5. 任何丢失的钥匙或访问凭证必须立即报告到门禁办公室. 访问控制, in cooperation with other appropriate university departments, will conduct a risk assessment and recommend appropriate corrective action.

        1. Any cost incurred by the university as a result of a lost or compromised key or access credential will be billed to the university department responsible for the incident.

      6. Departments are responsible for 不ifying 访问控制 of any changes to building unlock schedules or access lists for facilities or areas equipped with electronic 访问控制 in a timely fashion.

    3. Key and access credential-holder responsibilities

      Individual key / access credential holders are responsible for:

      1. 维护控制, 拥有并保管newbb电子平台发给他们的所有钥匙和证书.

      2. 防止未经授权使用或复制他们有权访问的所有密钥和凭据.

      3. Relinquishing and returning all keys and access credentials issued to them immediately at such time as they are no longer authorized or required.

      4. 如果钥匙丢失或证件被盗,立即通知主管和部门钥匙联系人.

  4. 限制

    此外, 唯一有权处理宿舍空间封锁的部门是住房和居住生活部门. 在任何情况下,任何其他大学人员都不得允许进入已占用的宿舍空间.

    1. Emergency access provisions

      For reasons of personal safety, 所有大学门禁系统必须允许紧急服务人员(消防和警察)操作万能钥匙。.

      1. Requests for spaces to be keyed ‘off-master’ must be submitted to 访问控制 by the planning unit head in writing and include a detailed rationale and justification for the request.

      2. 这样的请求必须得到访问控制和newbb电子平台警察局的审查和批准.

    2. Issuance and control of master keys

      因为万能钥匙可以打开整个区域或建筑物,如果丢失或泄露,风险很大, 应在不妨碍业务的情况下,尽可能最大限度地限制使用它们.

      1. 在一般情况下, 绝不能从newbb电子平台的财产上拿走大楼或更高级别的万能钥匙.

      2. Departments or units should only 维护 master keys in 访问控制led cabinets or key retainers within locked spaces whenever they are 不 in use.

        1. 访问控制 recommends that master keys be 维护ed and stored in electronic key control cabinets to provide appropriate monitoring and tracking of their use. 联系 访问控制 for additional information.

      3. Requests for the 发行 of master keys may require written approval of the planning unit head and should include a detailed rationale and justification for why a master key is required.

      4. 访问控制 reserves the right to deny the 发行 of master keys and propose alternative solutions that carry lower risk if sufficient justification of the need for a master key is 不 provided.

      5. Failure to report a lost or stolen master key may result in disciplinary action, up to and including 终止 of employment.

    3. 停工

      In the normal course of operations (i.e., except in emergency situations), 设施管理, 访问控制, Ohio university police department (OUPD), 其他服务人员被禁止向部门以外的人提供进入锁定空间的通道. Individuals should contact their departmental key contact to arrange for a不her departmental staff member who has access to assist in the event of ‘lockout’ situations.

      1. In the event of an extenuating circumstance after hours, 在下列情况下,本署可自行决定提供个别查阅∶

        1. The space is exclusively under the control of the individual.

        2. OUPD能够积极地验证个人的身份和他们对空间的控制.

        3. The need is a result of an extenuating circumstance (i.e., inadvertently locking keys inside of the space).

      2. OUPD将  typically provide access under the following circumstances:

        1. The space is shared or communal locked spaces.

        2. The space is residence hall space.

        3. The individual has forgotten their keys.

      此外, 唯一有权处理宿舍空间封锁的部门是住房和居住生活部门. 在任何情况下,任何其他大学人员都不得允许进入已占用的宿舍空间.

    4. Building locking and unlocking

      提供有效和及时的开锁和锁定建筑物周边的门, 访问控制 recommends the installation of electronic 访问控制s to allow for automatically scheduled unlocking and locking of perimeter doors.

      Facilities 管理ment only provides locking and unlocking of the perimeter doors on academic classroom buildings and other appropriate buildings where electronic 访问控制 is 不 available. Buildings that meet the above criteria will be unlocked sometime between five a.m. 7个a.m. and secured sometime between eleven p.m. and midnight on Monday through Friday only.

      If a building requires a schedule that varies from the times listed, then unlocking and locking must either be handled by the department/unit or electronic 访问控制s that allow for remote scheduling must be installed.

      No unlocking service is available or provided for any interior doors at any time. It is the responsibility of the department that controls the space to enhance that anyone who has been authorized to use any space has access to that space as needed.

    5. Contractor and 供应商 access

      Contractors and 供应商 who require regular or prolonged access to Ohio university facilities may be issued keys or access credentials at the request of a sponsoring department with the approval of 访问控制.

      Requests for contractor or 供应商 access should be directed to the 访问控制 office in writing at least forthy-eight hours in advance. The request should include the following information:


      只有在newbb电子平台工作人员的陪同下,承包商才能进入已占用的住宅空间. No interior keys will be issued for occupied residence halls.

      Any cost incurred by the university as a result of a lost or compromised key or access credential issued to an external entity will be billed to that entity.

      1. Name of the firm, 供应商, or external entity

      2. Full name of all personnel requiring access

      3. Date and time range access will be required

      4. Buildings or spaces to which access is needed

      5. Reason that access is required

    6. Internally and externally leased property

      In the case when property is leased by the university from a third party, the lease may prevent conformity with this policy.

      当大学拥有的建筑或空间出租给外部方时, this policy should be referenced in the lease.

      1. The lease with a third party will dictate 访问控制 methods and procedures.

      2. 在可能的情况下, 第三方应允许访问控制在大学钥匙库中持有钥匙,以备紧急情况.

      3. The university department utilizing the leased property should designate a responsible key contact as described in paragraph (C) of this policy.

      4. 此政策不适用于由第三方发展商建造或拥有改善设施的土地租约.

  5. 上诉

    Decisions made by 访问控制 as provided for in this policy may be appealed to the associate vice president for 设施管理 and safety.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. Associate Vice President for Architecture, Design & 建设

  2. Associate Vice President for Auxiliaries

  3. Vice President for Research & 创造性活动

  4. Chief of the newbb电子平台 Police Department

  5. 首席信息官

  6. Director of Access, Transaction & Video Services Executive Director of Housing & 居住生活

  7. Associate Vice President for Planning, Transportation and 停车 Services

  8. 院长 & 董事

  9. Office of Real Estate Management